Brighter than light

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"Earth, this doesn't look like a spot to find ghosts, it looks like a normal apartment "Mix asked perplexed as soon as Earth parked his car in front of a small apartment complex. Earth chuckled "That's because it is, I'm taking you to see the rest of the team first, come on you'll love them".

Earth took the lead encouraging Mix to get out of the car and head up to apartment 9, Earth could tell that Mix is nervous as he walks slowly, head tilted towards the ground, he can tell by Mix's increased intake of breath and the way he keeps glancing from side to side expecting something to come at him lest he let his guard down. Earth wanted to put a comforting hand on Mix's shoulder as encouragement but every time he goes to initiate touch with Mix no matter how strong the pull is, the latter always shrinks away as if burnt.

Arriving in front of the door adorned by a Top Gun poster of all things Earth knocks loudly on purpose, expecting a loud explosion in 3....2......1

"EARTHHHHHHHHH did he come? Where is he?", Neo the energetic timebomb that he is busted through as soon as the door opened.

"Neo he is right in front of you, let him pass geez...and let him breathe" Earth looks up apologetically at Mix seeing his bewildered expression.
"Oh yes yes, come in welcome to Villa Neo "Neo winked, trying to make Mix more at ease.
"Isn't a villa a Large house" Mix questioned "You live in an apartment". Earth couldn't help but laugh looking at Neo's gaping face all the while Mix has the most innocent expression not knowing that he just roasted Neo, "Let's just get inside already"

Inside the apartment around the kitchen table sat the rest of the gang besides Boom, cause god forbid Boom actually makes it on time for their usual meetings.
"Everyone this is Mix, I think the only people you hadn't met yet were Phuwin and Boom which you will meet later hopefully", Earth gestured around the entire table arms up like a presenter.

Endearing thought Mix, why is this man so intimidating but at the same time so endearing. He then looked at the rest of the members present as they greeted and welcomed him, in turn, he bowed in respect feeling a bit shy. Phuwin upon seeing this got up and came right next to Mix "It's nice to meet you Mix, please don't think we are insane, I know we give off that image", Mix chuckled "Look who you are talking to" finally seeming to relax as the rest of the gang come up to talk to him,
Earth smiles watching Mix interacting with his friends, glad that they are getting along, he was worried at first that Mix might feel too shy at the start, he wanted him to feel comfortable, that way Mix trusted them more. Exactly that's why Earth is happy that Mix is smiling now and being more open so that they could earn his trust and he will help them with the case, no other reason at all. He sees from the corner of his eye Luke looking at him mouthing something, Earth just rolls his eyes, he is only doing his job.

"Okay Everyone that's enough greetings Phuwin and I are going to take Mix on his first-ever ghost hunt" Earth announced, ushering Mix out quickly, otherwise his friends would never let him go.

Just as Earth opens the door, Boom comes barrelling in knowing he was late almost knocking Mix off balance. He has the decency to look at the ground in bashfulness and mutter apologies, lifting his head to properly greet Mix, Boom ends up frozen in place. Mix looks at Earth at that moment confused about what to do next seeing as Boom hasn't moved. Boom visibly flustered realises he is staring, and runs a hand through his hair trying to act cool

"Uhm Hi You must be Mix right I'm Uhm my name is ughhh it's "

"Boom, right?" Mix answers for him, a smile on his face, trying not to laugh in front of poor Boom's red face. The rest of the group is laughing their ass off, especially Jan who has to muffle her laughter with one of the couch pillows. The only person not amused was Earth "Mix come on, we are already late, we have to get going right now". Mix looks up at Boom shyly giving him one more smile, excusing himself to follow Earth's already retreating back.

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