Chapter Thirty-Four | Penelope and the Queen

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Beckett was reluctant to leave Penelope that night, but he felt obligated to ensure that Bucklebee and Lawton made it into the hands of the queen's guards the next morning

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Beckett was reluctant to leave Penelope that night, but he felt obligated to ensure that Bucklebee and Lawton made it into the hands of the queen's guards the next morning. He had sent word to London as soon as they'd uncovered the weapons, so he anticipated their swift arrival.

Beckett told her to sleep, and Penelope slept.

Weeks ago, she would have insisted upon staying with him. She might have slipped from her chambers simply to defy the colonel, and she would have likely shown up to insert her ability to watch over Bucklebee and Lawton with the men.

But Penelope did not feel the need to do those things any longer. Simply put, she was tired. Her bed welcomed her. It smelled like Beckett, masculine and woodsy, lulling her to sleep. Having him tuck her in felt...nice. Not condescending or controlling, but caring.

The following day, Penelope rose early in the morning, hating that she woke to an empty bed. Her arm flung out, hoping that she might find Beckett. But he was not there.

Well rested, Penelope rose and called for Collette so she could dress and find the others.

It had not been hard. As soon as she descended into the foyer, Penelope heard the voices trailing in from outside. They grew louder as she approached the door, and when she flung it open, Penelope gasped to find none other than the Queen of England standing in her front drive.

She had heard of the queen's kindness and slight...peculiarities, but this was surprising, to say the least. After smoothing her dress, Penelope stepped out into the mild summer air. The clouds gathered above her, rain threatening to leak from them.

Beckett and Leo stood by the queen, and they were both...smiling.

This simply was not the scene that Penelope had expected to walk into this morning.

Before Penelope could make her way across the front drive, she ran into a barely-awake Griffin. He stumbled toward her, and she did not say a single word when she wrapped her arms around his neck, giving him a fierce hug she knew he likely hated.

But then, to her surprise, Griffin tightened his hold. He hugged her back.

"I am sorry," Penelope eventually whispered. "I did not mean to keep secrets from you."

"I thought the two of you did not even get along," Griffin grunted as he pulled away. "Whatever happened to that? Beckett acted damned annoyed about the situation when I first arrived."

A laugh burst from Penelope. "Well your arrival did interrupt a...moment. Beckett was not pleased to hear about our relation."

Griffin shifted uncomfortably. "I see." He took a deep breath before adding, "I realize that your affairs are not my business. But you know you can always tell me, Pen. Even if it's my goddamn best friend."

She nodded. "I know. But I honestly did not think...." Her eyes flicked to Beckett. "I did not realize there would be anything to tell once the party was over."

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