To Protect

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Bella's closest family and friends stood listening from behind the door, Caroline relaying the full conversation happening outside between the girl and the vampire for the non-super hearing endowed ones of the group. Bella was definitely making them proud. Especially Damon, there was a reason he had nicknamed her WildCat and she was certainly living up to it now.

It went against every instinct that both Alaric and Damon had to leave Bella outside on her own with a Cold One, especially one that lusted after her blood so much. Both men were on the same wave length, thinking how much they wanted to hurt the bastard stood out on the porch with the girl that they both cared so much about.

Alaric however knew that he had to give Bella a chance to prove herself. She needed that independence, and she needed that knowledge that they trusted her to make her own decisions, not have someone else make them for her. She'd had enough of that already in her short life time. That and she'd proven herself time and time again to Ric, proven that she could handle whatever life threw at her. That she was strong. Ric was going to make sure that although he watched out for her, that she carried on proving to herself just how strong she was.

Damon however thought no such thing, he knew his Wildcat was strong, everyone here did, as far as he was concerned she had nothing to prove. Leaving her alone with a sparkly fuckwit with no restraint was an unnecessary danger. Caroline had to keep restraining him from going out there and ripping the fucker apart.

They all heard it as Bella hit Edward, and inwardly every member of the group was cheering the girl on.

Damon though needed to go out there, he needed to stop the douche from retaliating, he needed to make sure she hadn't hurt herself like she did when she hit wolf boy.

He started making his way to the door once more, his anger burning brightly in his eyes for everyone to see. Caroline stepped in his way, Bonnie watching carefully, if Care couldn't keep Damon at bay then she would. Bella deserved this; some payback of her own.

"Let me out Caroline." Damon growled out, his voice as dark and dangerous as the furious expression on his face.

"No Damon. Bella needs to do this on her own. She'll be fine. She's got the vervain gloves, which obviously work, and she's handling herself out there. You need to calm down and let her do it." Caroline said in a serious tone that she hardly ever used.

"She's had time." Damon started saying with still the same anger.

"We're not going to interfear until she asks us to Damon. You know her better than to tell her what to do or take her choices from her. You wanna be like that jerk out there was?" Alaric asked the vampire without fear. He knew Damon wouldn't hesitate to snap all of their necks right now, but he also knew that the last thing the vampire wanted to do was hurt Bella, and that would surely make Bella hate him.

Over the groups arguing and attempts to restrain Damon they failed to hear Bella outside, who was trying to get to them, to gain their protection.


"Elena stay in the car!" Stefan barked out as they pulled up outside of the Gilbert house. They'd enjoyed the day together away from the drama of the supernatural as well as the regular teen drama that seemed to constantly surround them. Just being a normal couple for once. Now they were back and so was the drama it seemed. Elena groaned as Stefan shot out of the car just barely managing to move at human speed. Something was obviously really wrong. Yet again.

Elena craned her neck to see what was happening, looking to her house, a shiver of fear running through her. She hoped nothing bad had happened to any of her loved ones.

FireworkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora