Time Flies

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My first week of school flew by; Mystic Falls High was the same as any American High school, there were cheerleaders, jocks, nerds, stoner's, but unlike Forks High everyone here seemed pretty genuine. If the kids here didn't like you they mostly ignored you, if they were interested they asked, if they were friendly with you they went out of their way to say hi in the halls.

My first day at school was much better than my first day at Forks. Firstly I knew people, or they knew me anyway, I couldn't remember some of them; I was pretty wasted at the party after all. Also I had friends this time, Elena, Caroline, Stefan, Bonnie, Matt, Tyler and Jeremy. They all looked out for me, making sure that I got to my classes alright, that I didn't get lost. It was my best first day ever.

The rest of the week was mostly standard for school, though having Alaric as my history teacher was strange. I got given boat loads of homework which Bonnie, Caroline, Elena and I mostly worked through together. It was a novel yet nice change to school. I liked having a group of friends, people with whom I fitted, whom I trusted, who I could have fun with, laugh and joke with.

I did have a couple of eventful moments that week though. My fourth day of school and I took a detour through something they called stoner alley to get to the cafeteria where I was meeting the gang for lunch. Up ahead I saw a group of people jeering at something, they were making a small tight circle and it wasn't until I got up close that I realised what was happening. This group was picking on a kid, a guy beating on him as the rest shouted out insults.

"Hey!" I yelled, mad as hell. I knew what it was like to be considered weak, an easy target, and the thought of someone else going through that made me see red.

The crowd turned to look at me, parting slightly to do so, that's when I completely lost my cool. Jeremy was the kid being picked on.

I pushed past the bullies and into the ring. "You okay Jer?" I asked him while looking him over, he had a split lip and was gonna have a black eye. But there was no further damage luckily.

"Bella get out of here!" Jeremy hissed at me, hurt and worry held in his eyes which he never took off the jerk towering over us.

"Yeah Bella get out of here." The jerk mocked before going for Jeremy once more.

That was it. The day after Jake's appearance Alaric had started training me, I couldn't really do anything yet, we'd just been jogging and Alaric had taught me how to throw a proper punch, I wasn't sure what use that would do against a vampire but I was pretty sure it would come in useful now. "Back off!" I growled, channelling my inner Damon from the other night. He'd been terrifying when confronting Jacob. And that's what I was aiming for.

The jerk laughed at me before back-handing me to the floor. "Know your place bitch." He spat at me before lunging for Jeremy again.

I got back up to my feet and hit the jerk with all the force I could straight in the stomach. The guy bent from the waist down, his hand clutching his mid-drift and his breath leaving him in a gasp. I heard a crow cawing loudly from a tree near-by which made me smile, looked like even the wild life was enjoying this bully getting taken down a peg or two by a girl.

"Touch him again, and I swear to god you'll regret it." I said bending down to the jerks ear so I could whisper it. I then stood back up, took Jeremy's arm and led him out of the group and towards the cafeteria.

"Bella that was fucking awesome! Are you okay, that slap must have hurt?" Jeremy asked me with a huge grin across his face.

The adrenalin and anger started leaving me to be replaced by something I was pretty sure was shock. My legs turned to jelly and I started getting light-headed. I'd never raised my fist to anyone ever. I'd never needed to resort to violence before. I'd just hit someone!

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