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3rd Person P.O.V.

The crow had followed the group to the High School, he knew they'd split up tonight and he knew they'd be having fun. Too much fun to be taking note of what was happening around them. He felt as though it fell on his shoulders to make sure that nothing happened to Isabe... To any of them. He was nothing if not thoughtful after all, the crow thought sarcastically to himself.

This week had been another eventful week for them, all thanks to Isabella once more. He hadn't had this much fun in centuries.

First of all there had been her training sessions which the crow had watched. They alone were hilarious. Bella was good when it came to fighting, and her weapons skills were pretty good too. But watching her jog... Well the crow had almost fallen off a tree from laughing. She tripped over nothing constantly, a completely flat surface was apparently deadly to the pretty brunette.

Then there was the afternoon that Damon had to babysit her. She made him laugh with her quick wit and total ease around him. That afternoon had been relaxing, or it would have been if it weren't for the dark bruise that had formed on Bella's pale cheek. Stefan though had promised that the guy responsible had paid. Not as much as Damon would have made him, but still, some revenge was better than none right?

The crow was glad that he'd decided to tag along and watch tonight because look, there was Elena, queen of naivety, leaving Bella alone with stinky guy.

With a sigh the crow flew to the main door of the building and took his human form.

Quietly Damon moved down the corridor that led to Ric's classroom. Ric had a good job, if Damon had to work he'd be a teacher too. Watching hot cheerleaders all day with complete control over them... Yeah that was Damon's idea of almost perfect. Add some blood and alcohol you had a damn good party.

Damon stopped and listened to the conversation that was going on in the classroom, hearing Tyler relay every word to no doubt Elena, Jeremy and Bonnie who were stood in the classroom opposite.

"Bella... This is ridiculous, I don't even know what to say." The guy said softly. Something about him made Damon angry. Really angry, murderously so.

"You could start by telling me what you are?" Bella's voice was hard and cold in a way Damon hadn't heard it before, it made him smirk. Go Wildcat, give him hell.

"What does it matter Bells, really? Would it change what you think of me? Or are bloodsuckers the only supernatural things that you'll give the time of the day too." His voice came out angry again, Damon tensed ready, if this dick got any closer to Bella he'd rush in. After all she was going out drinking with him tomorrow and he didn't want to go alone again. Plus she wasn't so down on him as Ric was.

"Bella... I'm sorry." She'd gone to walk out the room.

"Yeah, you keep saying that, you keep having to say that Jake. But you know what, if you keep repeating what made you apologise then you aren't really sorry. So save it and tell me the truth, or save you breath and leave." Damn she was good, her voice holding just enough coldness in it to be vaguely threatening but not so much so that she was cutting the guy off altogether. Exactly what Damon would have done if he couldn't torture the information out of the kid.

"Can you remember the legends I told you about our tribe?" Jacob asked Bella softly once more.

"Yeah sure. Er..." It sounded to Damon's ears as though she was straining to remember. "The third wife right? Hang on... You guys changed... Into wolves... You're a werewolf?" Bella asked. That's all we need, another one of those, Damon thought with an angry sigh. Why couldn't dog boy have been something that they could use, rather than something that could kill them all? Another something that could kill them.

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