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I was ready and just starting to feel better, just. The headache had gone and so had the sickness, but the aches were still present, my arms and legs felt like they'd been put through one of Alaric's rigorous workouts. But none the less I was ready and willing to go to this movie night thing.

Jeremy had explained to me that it was something Elena and her friends did every few weeks. Elena herself had been cool with me all day. After I'd managed to drag myself off of the sofa and to my room she'd kept completely out of my way, even going so far as to walk out of any room that I was in.

I didn't know what I'd done and I was starting to worry a bit. Maybe she was just getting bored of me already, everyone else did. Either that or she'd finally worked out that I really wasn't good enough, wasn't worth it. I didn't blame her for distancing herself from me. I didn't blame her but it hurt anyway.

Grabbing my keys, phone, wallet and shoving them in my pocket I headed from my room to Elena's worried about the reception that I'd receive, but it was stupid taking two cars to the same place. Stupid and a waste of money. Maybe I should just stay in, if Elena didn't want me around then no-one else would either. I gathered my courage, set for another knock down and headed for Elena's room, if she was still off with me then I wouldn't go.

As I reached her door I heard voices seeping out, hers and Caroline's. I was going to knock, really I was, my hand was raised and everything, but then I heard my name. I know the saying about eavesdroppers, but still I couldn't bring myself to move away from the door.

"I just don't know whether to tell Bella or not. I don't want her to get hurt anymore than she already has been." What was Elena talking about, how was she going to hurt me?

"I don't know what to say Elena, Bella said that they're just friends, and she lies worse than I do." Caroline's voice came back concerned yet truthful. She was right, I couldn't lie to save my life, though lies had come easier to me when I'd been with Edward. Another reason that he'd been bad for me. That he'd changed me, for the worst. Although it pained me I was starting to see that and I didn't like what I'd been seeing. Unfortunately I had Damon to thank for that, like a lot of other things recently.

"You didn't see her with him this morning Caroline. Seriously, they were all cuddly on the sofa... I don't know. Maybe you're right. But..."

"If I'm not Bella will get hurt. Yeah. I know." Caroline paused for a few moments before speaking again, her filter in place for once. "Then yeah, maybe you should speak to her. Maybe we both should. I don't want her getting hurt either, she's my friend too ya know?" Caroline's words warmed me. I really had made some true friends in my short time here. And it seemed as though they loved me just as I did them. For someone who had always been an outsider before... Well it brought a slight glassiness to my eyes that I had to blink away before knocking on Elena's door and ending my eavesdropping.

"Yeah!?" Elena called.

I opened the door and stuck my head around it, despite what I'd overheard I still didn't know how I'd be taken after she'd avoided me all day. "Hey, I'm ready, I didn't know if you wanted to ride together or not?" I hated how my voice came out sounding meek and mild. How it had sounded before I'd moved here and gained more confidence in myself and my friendships.

"Yeah, sure Bella. My car or yours?" Elena asked with a half smile, still slightly uncomfortable but getting better.

"Either. I'm not fussed." I responded before looking to Caroline. "Hey Care."

"Hey Bella. You look terrible! I take it you had a good time last night." Caroline said, her filter gone completely again.

"Gee thanks." I teased with a smile.

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