Happy Family

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I followed Alaric up the steps that led to the house, nerves gripping me tightly. It was beautiful, and obviously well cared for. A large porch wrapped round the front of the house, furniture dotted about on it, showing that it was used. Sitting outside in the warm air and sunshine might have been something I could get used to if the family let me stay for a while.'

Alaric opened the door for me and motioned for me to head in first, with a nervous look at him I did. Inside was as beautiful as the outside, a large hallway greeted me with polished wooden floorboards and a light décor that made the house seem warm somehow.

"Hey!" A friendly voice came from in front of me, a woman who I'd not noticed as I took in my surroundings was standing watching me from a doorway, a smile plastered across her kind and open face.

"Hi." I replied, biting my lip as I did.

"I'm Jenna, your uncle's girlfriend, and you must be Bella! Welcome to Mystic Falls." The woman said enthusiastically. She was pretty, really pretty with long straight red hair and eyes which smiled with her face.

"Um.. Yeah, thanks?" I said, making it sound like a question somehow.

Jenna stood looking at me with her head tilted a little bit, as though trying to work me out, her smile never faltered though. "Where's the rest of your stuff?" She asked me as she came forward and took the small, battered suitcase from my hands.

"I... I.. This is it." I mumbled, embarrassed yet again.

"Really? This is all you've brought? You sure you're a teenager?" Jenna asked me playfully, her eyes lighting up.

"Pretty sure yeah." I smiled back at her, she was easy to like, that was for sure. I could see why Alaric was so in love with her.

"Okay then, you want me to show you to your room? I bet you've had a long flight?" She asked me.

"Um.. Sure?" Again I made it sound like a question, but I was really on edge here. What was the protocol for living with complete strangers?

"Follow me." Jenna said before heading up the stairs, with a quick glance at Alaric who nodded and smiled at me, I did as I was told and followed the surprisingly young woman up the wide staircase.

"So, that's Alaric's and my room, that's Elena's there, that's the guest room, Jeremy's is that one just there and this is your room." Jenna told me as we passed white wooden doors. Alaric had been right, the house was big. It would have fit two or three of Charlie's in it comfortably.

I stepped through the door closest to Jeremy's room and took in my surroundings. The room was huge. It was painted white, bright white with a dark wooden double bed in the middle and dark wooden wardrobe to the side, as well as a desk and vanity unit that matched. Other than that it was empty. The window which looked out on to the road outside was guarded by a comfy looking window seat, the perfect place to sit and read or just watch the world go by. It was a really nice room.

"So obviously it's a bit boring at the minute but you can paint or whatever, and this is your bathroom here." Jenna opened another white wooden door which revealed a small but clean and modern room. Got to say I was a fan of not having to share a bathroom again.

"I guess I'll leave you to it then." Jenna said while giving me a wide smile. I didn't understand it, how did she not mind opening up her house to a complete stranger? "Elena and Jeremy will be back for dinner tonight, so you'll meet them then, they're both out with friends, we weren't expecting you for a little while otherwise they'd have been here. If you need anything just shout and don't be afraid to come down, you don't have to stay locked up in here or anything. Unless you want to."

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