Chapter Ten: Constantine

Start from the beginning

"Ric!" Constantine raises her voice to alert the real priest. "You were right about the demon, wrong about the host," she told Ric, eyes remaining on the large demon in front of them.

"Fuckin' hell," a preist that swears, you gotta love it.

"Get her out of here," Constantine introduced, and Ric did what she told.

"Come on, love, come on," Ric descended down the steps, and grabbed the Princess, guiding her away from the scene. Constantine began to speak Latin once again as she began to descend the steps.

"You... Talk too much," The demon sprouted, turning around to face Constantine.

"Tell me your name and I'll stop," she announces.

"Why would I do that? When there are far more enjoyable ways to make you stop," he announces, and I could see that his teeth were pointed, sharp, ready to slice into human flesh.

"His name is Agilieth," Dream's voice pierced my ear, making me see him out of the corner of my eye.

"I knew it began with an A!" I pointed out, seeing that Constantine turned around to face Dream and I, and Agilieth locking eyes with both of us.

"I'm flattered you remember me, Lord Morpheus, after all your time away," he states, before his eyes flicker to me. "And Lady Chaos, the stories through Hell do not do you justice," he was sweet talking to me, Demon always liked a taste of me.

"Lord Morpheus?" Constantine states in disbelief.

"He is. Though, I confess, I almost didn't recognize you without your helm. I wonder where your helm could be," Agilieth was taunting Dream with the location of his helm in Hell.

"I presume it is in Hell, with the demon to whom it was traded," Dream replies, keeping his tone of voice deep, but soft.

"Yes, but which Demon? Give me the Princess, and I'll tell you," before Dream had a chance to consider, Constantine began to chant Latin once again, and this time held up a golden cross.

"Wait!" Dream steps forward, as the Demon was encased in a fiery rope of mist that sprouted from the ground. She needed the name of the Demon to exorcise it back to Hell. Ameture, I could simply say a spell, and he'll be there before I finish the last line.

"Fine, fine! I'll tell you where your helm is, just don't send me back," Agilieth pleaded, not wanting to be sent back to Hell.

"Constantine. Stop!" Dream moved more forward, but Constantine did not listen. "I command you!" He yells over the groaning, and grunts coming from the demon.

"Dream of the Endless commands you!" Agilieth shouts at Constantine, but simply put she didn't give a rats ass.

"Run along, and fuck off back to Hell," Constantine spoke with a sass, which just made me like her even more now. I couldn't be bothered to intervene in this, if Dream wanted the Demon so bad, he could have stopped her. The fiery mist ropes tighten around the demon, and pull until he vaprates into dust, and floats to the ground being sent back to Hell.

"You have no idea what you've done," Dream announces, now down the steps, staring straight at Constantine. She closed the book shut she was reading from and had a sway as she walked forward.

"I do though... I've just tripled my fee," she was so smug about it, and she didn't care. I was actually stunned, as I watched her turn and walk away from us. "Oi, Ric! Whom do I invoice for this, Church of England or Buckingham Palace?" She raised her voice so she would be heard, as I came down the steps, and stood next to Dream, watching her walk away.

"Oh, she is definitely Constantine," a smile came to my lips, as Dream turned his head to meet my gaze. "You know, I met a Constantine awhile back. He was so handsome, and one thing led to another... What a fun night," I bit my bottom lip, reminiscing about the past.

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