chapter four

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the hallways are empty, chatters can be heard from inside the rooms, and photos hanging on the wall that everybody sees but ignores. the rug that is rolled across the hallway is dirty and crumpled up in some places.

I stop to look at the photos and admire them, seeing things in them that nobody else sees. I love art but I can't draw or paint.

it's still early, as I walk through the hall and search for the library. as I make my way through the hallways and stairs, I slowly hear louder laughter and chatter.

I think it comes from the library, who is in the library at eight am and is so loud?

I peek around the corner and see some boys in green and white jerseys. probably the basketball boys, gracie has told me about. I know that two boys in there are called justin and eric, the jerks, or the j-e-rks.

justin is the one with blonde hair, and blue eyes and eric is the one with black hair and brown eyes.

those two are the worse, gracie told me and she also warned me that they make homophobic and transphobic jokes but say that they aren't homophobic.

they bully new kids and make them leave, think everyone likes them, are annoying and the cherry on top of the cake is that they aren't acting like normal friends.

like they like each other in a homie way.

but sure, that's completely normal, to do those weird things they do while not liking each other romantically.

I walk to the library, where they are since they are blocking the way, and push past them, trying not to get noticed.

but I did. I assumed it was justin or eric, since they are the worse, as gracie said, but it wasn't them.

it was a raven-haired boy, my height and he had brown eyes. the question he asked wasn't even rude or anything. "are you george? the one gracie told me about?"

I frowned and nodded. he smiles. "I'm sapnap, gracie told us lots about you!" the other boys look confused.

sapnap, sapnap, sapnap, sapnap.

oh! he's the one who called gracie.

"she did?" I whispered, confused. "it's nice meeting you, we'll probably see us again." I smile and go further into the library.

that was weird, I think to myself. I honestly don't even know what I'm doing in the library, I don't even read. well, I despise reading.

I mean I think it's the same with art, some people see things in art that nobody else does, and some people read to get lost in a different world if the book is good.

I love writing poetry or songs but not any stories. I mean, I basically write stories when I write songs but that's different, kind of.

it's beautiful, I mean the library. there are lots of bookshelves marked by their genre, it looks very old and there are lots of tables and chairs to study or just to read, fairy lights are hanging everywhere, plants are on some shelves and everything was in a dark shade of brown or green.

I sit down on one of the chairs and just admire the work that was put in to organise and do this library, until the basketball boys are gone, so I can go to my dorm again.


as I make my way through the hallways, I hear voices and laughter from the inside of my dorm.

I grab my key and push the door open, revealing gracie and two other boys sitting on the floor, in front of the sofa. I recognize one of them, it was sapnap and the other had dirty blonde hair, was the tallest of all, had freckles painted across his cheeks and nose, green eyes and a great sense of style.

their heads turn to me, gracie and sapnap are still smiling but the other boy stopped.

gracie stood up and walked towards me. "hi, george!" she said in a cheering voice. "this is sapnap and that is dream. both, this is george!" she gestured her hand between me and them, as she introduced them and me.

she told me to sit down, which I did and we just talked a bit to get to know each other.

"I have an idea." sapnap said, stood up and went into Gracie's room, which I never even saw yet.

he came back with a board game. it was ludo. I love ludo, I always played it online since I didn't have anyone to play with.

(a/n  hey ludo family,  love you lots  husbands, wives whatever you two are and emo daughter )

I was blue, gracie was yellow, dream was green and sapnap was red. sapnap started since he is the shortest of us.

I noticed while we played that dream was quiet, tried to kick out people much as possible and sometimes wheezed when gracie or sapnap were "hurt" when they got kicked out.

I didn't react, since I felt out of place and didn't want to be a burden. I think he has a problem with me, but I don't think sapnap does, so that's his problem.

dream won first, gracie in second place, I won the third one and sapnap lost.

we played another round, I won, sapnap lost, again. we then decided to put on a timer for seven minutes to play ludo but in rush.

you have to try to kill many people as possible, you loop if you already did a round, the one who kills the most wins and the one who kills less loses.

dream won, I became second, gracie became third and sapnap lost, again.

he just sucks.

after some hours they leave and I become tired, I go to my bedroom, shower, change and crawl into my bed.  I tuck myself tight in and look outside.

all the leaves are almost on the floor, poor people freeze cause of the breeze and the world is bright cause of the moonlight.

when will I stop doing these? never.

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