Chapter 7

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     One morning at Beacon Hills High School, Jed is walking down the hallway with his best friend Ben by his side.

"Another day in hell" Jed tells him.

"Look on the bright side, after you got your schedule changed, you now have every class with me" Ben says trying to put a smile on Jed's face... It worked.

Then Jed sees a beautiful woman his age walking down the hallway.

"Who is she" Jed asks.

"Andi Cruz, she's a transfer student from WITS Academy" Ben tells him.

"What is that" Jed asks.

"I have no idea" Ben responds.

The bell rings.

As the days go by Theo is still stuck in his home not wanting to leave, in Davina's room on the floor. Never coming out.

"You have been in that same exact spot since you came home" Liam says.

"I am never leaving here... Now please, just go" Theo tells him. "Go bother Mason or something just leave me alone"

"I'm not talking to Mason at the moment" he says.

"Then leave and go bother Hayden" Theo says.

"Fine. Do whatever the fuck you want" Liam says leaving Theo.

"Don't leave" he says quietly.

Hale's Loft.

As Talia and Laura's body's lays on a desk Cora is watching as Emma's spell failed.

"Why didn't it work" Cora asks.

"I don't know" Emma says in response.

"You took the dark magic and her real magic from her. And you are using your magic... Unless you are playing me" Cora thinks getting in Emma's face.

"I'm not playing you, something is just wrong... I'm going back to the cave and see if I missed anything" Emma leaves Cora.

"HURRY UP THEN" she yells.

The cave where Cora was.

Emma runs in and she starts looking around. Until she looks at a small quarter.

"Davina's dark magic" she walk towards it and picks it up. "Davina could have still been alive"

Night Time.

Kira and Malia's house.

After a long day at work Kira is walking to the front door until she hears footsteps behind her. She stops and gets her sword out turning around fast just to get knocked out by Cora with a rock.

"You're coming with me" Cora says as she drags a unconscious Kira by her leg.

The next morning.

While Jed walks out of his room, still noticing that Kira isn't home.

"Hey, Mom, where's Momma" he asks.

"I don't know, I just thought she had a early trial to go to this morning" Malia says in response.

"Okay" Jed gives Malia a kiss on the cheek and leaves.

Theo's House.

Emma walks in, and she turns to Davina's room.

"Idiot get up" she demands Theo.

Theo stands on both of his feet still mad at Emma. "YOU"

"Calm down... I can bring Davina back to life" she says as she shows Theo the quarter that contains Davina's dark magic.

The Unbroken Bond Book 1Where stories live. Discover now