First day at school

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Best first impression is when you are already 15 min late for the first day at your new school. Me and the others of my pack had to go to the Forks High because our school burned down but now one knows why.

"Hey Idiot we are late move your lazy ass!" My brother yelled from downstairs. So i got up and dressed myself in just a plain black Hoodie, jeans and some overused converse. I grabbed my bag and rushed downstairs where Sue Clearwater had breakfast for everyone. "Dont come home late today we have a pack meating later" she said.

"I make sure Jacob dont forget time talking to bella" I said and jumped into Jacobs mini van together with Leah,seth and other teens of the pack.

We arrived and my brother parked the Van. We all rushed in since we all had different subjects and are in different classes we separated. I had history first period. I got in and everyone had their eyes on me *great* "You must be one of the new students from the reservat right? Please introduce first and dont come late tomorrow" The teacher said and some of the students started laughing. I looked around and catched eye contact with a pretty looking woman. She had a pixie cut ,pale skin, caramel eyes and crazy clothes. She smells different than the other students. The blonde boy next to her pulled her into him. Could be her boyfriend. I started concentrate again " So yeah I'm Ferox Black I'm 18 and I hope we get along well for the time I need to stay" I heard some people whisper around but i blend it out. " You can sit over there next to the big looking guy with dark hair and the blonde woman. Emmett, Rosalie please lift your hands so Ferox can see you." The teacher said amd they did. I walked over there and sit next to the window and the guy Emmett. "Hey im Emmett Cullen and this is my Girlfriend Rosalie. We can show you around and stuff later if you want to" He held his fist towards me and i gave him a fistbump "Sure thing thanks for the offer man. Its really nice to meet you both" he nodded and the teacher started the lesson. I crossed my arms over my books and layed my head down. I'm still listening but I'm feeling a pair of eyes looking at me the whole Class but I decided to not worry about it and just continued Listening to the teacher.

The Wolf and the Bat (GxG) pausedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora