Chapter Two: James

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My phone was blowing up once again but that wasn't anything I'm not familiar with, I've recently cut off my newest girl; Sydney. Don't get me wrong Syd is absolutely beautiful and she is one of the nicest people I've met however I never let anyone last longer then 6 months since that's normally when things get serious

I decided to turn my phone off and head to the one place I could be myself and that was at this dance studio, no one really knows that I dance since I'm this rugby player I just simply couldn't have that secret come out so I found a studio a few towns over and have been dancing here since I was 12
It was my one true escape, the time I can put all of my feelings out in the open and no one here can judge me at all and that's exactly why I do it

I walk into Studio B and as usual it's empty meaning I can get a good few hours in here undisturbed.

"Fancy seeing you here" Eldon says whilst leaning up against the doorframe
"I thought you were at that log cabin?" I ask before going over and greeting him with a hug
"Yeah I came back a week early, everyone else is still up there though" Eldon replies
"Even Luna?" I ask causing him to nod his head
"My Mum needed me so Luna was supportive for me to come back home early" Eldon explains

I've known Eldon since we were both 2 years old, both our parents have best mates for as long as they can remember which is why Eldon and I are so close
Eldon is the only person who knows the true story of my entire life, the only person who helped me start to dance in the first place and the only person that knows that dance is my true escape from everything I experience, it's safe to say I 100% trust Eldon with everything

"I don't understand why you won't come and hang out with us at the cabin for just one summer" Eldon says
"Oh here we go again" I sing causing Eldon to laugh
"No I just don't get it, it'll get you away from your house and you could make some friends who are actually alright instead of your asshole friends you already have" Eldon continues

"No listen, I get my friends are assholes but that's just who they are and I know you've got some good friends and you've been mates with them for years but you know I don't let anyone close and your friends won't allow me to be distant" I explain
"But do you want to be closed off all your life though James?" Eldon sighs
"I mean that's the plan.. I don't want to end up like my parents and the way to avoid that is to not get involved with anyone" I huff

The one thing I hated was talking about why I'm so closed off, I hated what my parents have become and I never wanted to follow in their footsteps not now not ever

"But what about Sydney? I thought things were going well" Eldon sighs
"Look I know you're coming from a good place but me and Sydney are no longer together, you of all people know why I don't let anyone in but I don't want to talk about it, I came here to be alone" I blurt out getting frustrated that Eldon wasn't listening to me

"Listen James I just want to help-" Eldon starts to say but I grab my things and walk out the doors and heading straight to my car and driving to wherever my feet take me. I ended up driving to the edge of a cliff that overlooked the beach and I stayed here until the vibrant hues of orange and pink danced across the sky calming my nerves like they always do

I don't know what it is but something about the calmness of a sunset or sunrise helps relax my overthinking mind, it was like it pressed a reset button and all my problems disappeared for a brief moment. My phone rings out of nowhere breaking the silence and once I read the name of my screen my problems came tumbling back

It was my step mum, Chloe; someone who isn't actually my step mum anymore however somehow managed to get custody of me when her and Dad spilt up considering my real Mum passed away when me and Piper were little it made it easier for Chloe to claim one of us easier and of course it just had to be me. Piper and Chloe didn't get on one bit
It was always drama with them so I knew that once talk came up about who was having who I would of been taken away from Dad and Piper

I still try and see them as much as I can and we all share the same resentment towards Chloe especially for tearing us apart but no one wanted to hear our side of the story hence why nothing was done about it. My phone rings again and of course it was Chloe so I finally answered it, putting the phone to my ear I can already hear what sounds like multiple men in the background causing me to roll my eyes, same old Chloe

"Where are you?" Chloe shouts down the phone
"I'm out why?" I bluntly reply back
"You have a curfew to be home at 9pm" Chloe snaps back causing the men behind her to laugh
"And? I'm not your kid I can do whatever I want" I snap back, taking a look at the clock in my car it reads it's 10:45pm so I'm over an hour late back for a curfew that doesn't existed and she only cares now?

"Well I've got some friends over I wanted you to meet them" Chloe snaps back slightly stuttering as she tries to think of something to say
"You know I'd rather not meet your newest way of getting drugs so you do you and I'm going to stay away from you and your crackhead mates" I sternly say before hanging up the phone

I definitely don't want to be going back home tonight nor do I ever want to see her because now Chloe will keep those so called mates over until I return home and I'm getting quite sick of it
Because of the people she hangs around with majority of my belongings are in the car anyway and anything else that isn't I've got as a double just incase I need to stay away from that house, so tonight and until university starts I'll be sleeping in my car

It wasn't ideal but I've done this plenty of times before so it wasn't anything I was unfamiliar with, I sigh and lean back my seat some more before trying to calm myself down. By this time the sun had completely set so I was just staring at the darkness as it coated everything it touched changing the familiar landscape into something not many people will recognise

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