My only sunshine

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⚠️this chapter includes mention of sh⚠️
A/n this is not gonna be a long chapter, I hope...
Ps. It's from wills 1st person pov bc I forgot it was 3rd person last time and wrote the whole thing in 1st person and I'm too lazy to change it

Some aphrodite girl was flirting with me and I hated it you might be thinking "oh but that would be loads of boys dream" well it's not mine seeing as I'm GAY and have a BOYFRIEND  we've been dating for nearly three years and I love him so much, some people don't believe we're dating because "happy sunny Will Solace son of Apollo dating Nico Di Anglo the ghost king, never" well jokes on you sometimes I don't believe it either he's just so CUTE with his little dimples and smile (that we've been seeing a lot more of recently.

Anyway moving on from my boyfriends adorable and cute face, I was ignoring the Aphrodite girl until she placed her hand on his chest which he immediately shoved off but it was too late Nico had seen.
Running from the room after Nico I finally caught up to him just before he got to his cabin. Gods he's fast.
"Go away solace"
Shoot, he hasn't called me that since, well I don't know how long
"Nico please wait" I called as he was about to close the door
"I said go away"

*time skippy to three days later*
Three days, it had been three days since I talked to Nico, three days since I had slept, three days since left cabin seven at all. Well it was four now seeing as it was 2am.
*bang bang bang*
I shot up from my bed, seriously I was so close to falling asleep. When I opened the door it was Percy Jackson who was panting and in a shark onesie, "Nice onesie Jackson"
"Oh D'ya think? dad got it for me"
"Yea it's lovely, wait why are you here at 2:30am?"
"Oh um I know you guys are having a bit of a lovers quarrel at the moment but it's Nico he" Percy never got to finish his sentence because I had shoved passed him and was already halfway to the hades cabin, forgetting about the harpies they can eat me later there's something wrong with Nico.

Two minutes later I was at the hades cabin pushing past Jason Grace who was trying to get the door open "oh Will you're here finally, we heard Nico  shouting and then it stopped and he just started crying but he won't open the door can you try?"

"Yea of course, Neeks can you hear me? Neeks?" Nothing "Neeks come on open the door please" *clunk* one bolt undone "cmon darling open the door please I'm sorry" *clunk* second bolt undone "thank you Neeks I'm gonna open the door now is that okay?" "Mhm" was the response ok I'll take that as a yes I slowly opened the door finding Nico curled up in a ball crying, I turned around to Jason and Percy who just nodded at me  before walking back to their designated cabins "hey Neeks what's wrong do you wanna talk?" "W-Will I'm so sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry" I flipped the light switch but nothing happened stupid lights always broken in this dam cabin I did the only reasonable thing and started glowing.
⚠️this is what the tw is for if sh is a thing that triggers you please go to the end of the chapter⚠️

As soo as I started glowing light filled the room and I saw why Nico was saying sorry, blood so much blood. I picked Neeks up carefully and carried him over to the bathroom putting him down on the counter by the sink "Im sorry Will I'm so sorry" he sobbed "hey hey hey it's okay" I said while reaching for the cupboard I had stocked with medical supplies pulling out gauze and cotton pads stupid powers and stupid not being able to heal self inflicted pain with magic I thought while cleaning Nico's arms and wrapping them with the bandages I had discovered a few years ago that I can't heal sh with my powers
A/n I know this isn't canon but I'm an angsty piece of shit
I filled a cup with water and got Nico to drink some before carrying him over to his bed whispering thing like "it's okay" "no need to be sorry" "you're safe it's okay" I laid him down on the bed kissing him on the cheek then his forehead before going to walk away he probably still hates you  from the other day "W-Will can you stay" I turned around so fast I almost fell welp never mind he doesn't hate me "of course sunshine" I said climbing in with him

Nico was gone from under my arm and was instead on the other side of the bed sniffling "Hey Neeks what's up, nightmare?" "Oh will I'm sorry you can go back to sleep I didn't mean to wake you up" well now I'm worried "no no you can tell me what's wrong I promise"
"Are you sure? I-I was in Tartarus and I could see the doors b-but  you were there a-and you laughed at me when I called for help and then y-you, the sword and t-the aphrodite girl was there and..."
"Shh shh Neeks it's okay c'mere remember our first date?"
"Yea I fell asleep on you in the middle of a field"
"And you had a nightmare on the way back to camp so I sang to you"
"Oh I love your singing just as much as I love you mi amor"
"I love you too"
"Can you sing now?"
"Of course I can darling"
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine..."

Word count:989  yet again I'm sorry I just felt very angsty today ok but actually I really want to see fanart of Percy in a shark onesie so if anyone finds one my insta is    @anna_reads5. And my tumbler is @thatnerdybitch

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2022 ⏰

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