explosives and such

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the Ruby Leviathan

A modified striker 12 "street sweeper" that fires custom glass bulb magma bomb incendiary grenades, it has jewel red and gold plating with a custom barrel that looks like the sea dragon leviathan from subnautica. It has a modified magwell and lever that triggers rapid fire, it also includes a gas tank that shoots flammable gas coated gelatine so if you shoot around the area then the gas blob will ignite and cause a bigger explosion. the incendiary grenade it fires consists of of a glass bulb that breaks on impact causing a chemical reaction and full on smokes the entire area while creating magma around the explosion. only found in one level.

the lord's smite

It's a drone that would be sent up into the air loaded with 10 different explosives and missiles, it uses a special laser pointer pistol to mark enemies to "smite". the pistol can't fire any rounds but it uses thermal vision and smart tech sights to mark areas an threats. The drone is armed with *ahem*,magma rounds, missiles, shock grenades, emp waves, cluster bombs, rapid fire mini missiles, spark shot, bullet hail"10mm", air pressure shockwave and hollowed out 100 nitro bmg missile.

the Phantom wind

an rpg launcher with purple and black colours that fires special concealer rockets that of course create a dome like wave that conceals both the sound and the explosion, it can also completely camouflage itself. the rockets are made special emp shocks and sun reflecting waves, the rockets can be switched with an air barrel that instead fires pure compressed air that has the ability to destroy any thing at medium range with no recoil, the only drawbacks being the extremely long air refill.

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