Chapter 2- First Day

Start from the beginning

"The clean up team will be here in a few," she clicks the button on the side of her watch sending the alert off. "You young lady what's you're first class for the day?"

"Well I decided I wanted to have an easy Friday,  I really want to have a relaxing day so I have creative writing at 10:30."

"Good that will get us enough time to get you home, rest up a little, and for you to get to school."

The drive back was long and boring, we were a little but outside of the city. I took in the view of the beautiful landscape of the mountains, and how they looked like they kissed the heavens. The suns rays rips through the clouds making it look like they emit light themselves.

"Elora!" turning to look at my mom, "We're home, the way you get lost sometimes just amazes me," she hops out the mini bus with me following behind her

Time moves faster the more I really don't want to do something I realize as I'm rushing to get to my stats class, "first day and you're late Elora, could you really be any more stereotypical?" I muttered to myself, "why didn't you just go when you knew you could actually take you're time, now you're sweating like a whore in church."

I put my kinky hair up in with a few strands sticking out, I checked my phone to see that I was 10 minutes late. "Who has first day of school on a damn Friday anyways?"

I pushed the door in rushing pass the prof and hiding my face with my laptop case, and rush pass the other students. Stopping at a random seat I quickly put my bag down and sat down.

Taking my MacBook out I grab for my bag but instead I accidentally grazed my neighbours jeans. I pull my bag closer to me and took out everything I needed and organized them on my table.

Working out the question I couldn't help but see that she was uncomfortable. From the corner of my eyes she was sweating, strands of what look like brunette hair stuck to her forehead. I moved myself back in my seat feeling bad if I was in her personal space.

Reaching for a pencil I sent my pencil case flying to the floor, "sorry," I whisper.

 Reaching down and my hair rubs against her leg as I reach under. Releasing my 4c texture hair, I could see from the corner of her eyes she starts to twitch.

"Excuse me?" She looks over and down at me, "Are you okay?"

"I... I... I," her grey eyes with gold and green specs dancing around her iris in a beautiful synchrony caught me a bit off guard, "I'm doing better now, thank you," she snaps at me while turning her gaze away from me. 

Shrugging off my black leather jacket, she shifts around in her seat a few times before grabbing her belongings and rushed out.

I smell great what is her problem, "rude," I muttered under my breath before continuing working on the math question. 

I look down to see that she dropped her book, her name was written in perfect cursive. Trailing my finger over her name, I turn and place her book in my bag.

Packing my belongings in my bag-pack, "don't forget every Friday as of September 24th will be your first quiz and don't be late!" My eyes widen when he locks eyes with me before looking away.

'I hate when I'm singled out gosh fucking asshole.'

Rushing out of my class, I pulled my car keys out my pocket, when it fell on the floor. The hair on the back of my neck stood up and I felt the worst urge that I was being watched. I grab my keys and look around. 

'No-one its probably my imagination.'

I open my car door and place my things on the passenger seat, I head out of my parking spot and headed to work.

I turn my music up when Frankie and the teenagers came on, and started to hum, "why do fools fall in love, oh wow wow wow wow!" I sang off key while tapping my starring wheel.

Pulling into the employee parking spot, and walking through the back entrance of my parents restaurant, "Elora! You are late!" My mothers voice broke through all the yelling of the other cooks and waitress. "We have a family of four waiting for you grab on your apron!"

'If I have never been fearful of anyone my mother would always take first place,'  grabbing up my apron and note pad. 

I walk over to the table while tying the apron around my waist, "Hello, my name is Elora," I look at all their faces, "I'm your waitress today," I took everyone in at the table before finally landing my eyes on the person to the far right of me, "what can I get you to drink?"

Furrowing my brows, "Veronica?"

She flashes the rest of her family members a look before back at me, "How do you know my name?"

"We're in the same statistics class you forgot your book, I have it in my car I could go get it" I couldn't ignore the relief that washed over her face."

"Oh yes, no that's, I can grab it from you when I come up to pay for my tab?"


"I would love some iced tea, I heard your moms iced tea is popular here," her sisters voice broke through the silence, as she looks over at Veronica.

"For me and my love we'd like to have a bottle of your most popular red wine, Veronica would you like some or are you gonna get something different?"

"Yes, can I actually have a raspberry martini?" She looks up at me, when our eyes locked I froze a little.

"Sure, I'll be right with you."

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