Gion Matsuri Festival: The argument

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Hi guys!!! I lost my account but this is my new one and I'll still be writing invisible string! 

Anyways,time for some ✨DRAMA✨ between Dan and Magnus! 

Let's get started!  

*Dan's pov*

We eat a really delicious breakfast.Magnus has been really quiet lately, I'm kinda worried about him. After breakfast I ask him, 

"Hey Magnus,you okay?" 

"Just leave me alone Kouzo!"He snaps 

I notice a bright red scar on his arm. 

"Why do you have that scar?" 

Magnus snarls and roars," Get lost Dan!I don't need your help,okay? I'm doing just fine.You're just a worthless piece of crap that nobody wants!" 

"Fine! I'll go!" 

"Yeah!Get out of my sight!" 

I slam the door shut and run far. 

After running until my legs ache and my lungs burn,Drago rolls out.I take a seat on the park bench.The golden sphere sends golden beams of sunlight down on me.Couples walk pass holding hands and laughing.The sakuras are in full bloom.The wind carries some of the pink petals towards us.I catch one,and then let the wind take it away with the others

"What happened between you and Magnus?" 


Tears sting my eyes 

"Dan if you wanna talk about it-" 

"It's nothing! I'm fine!"I lie 

"Truth is,Magnus is right...A month or so ago,my mum and dad started arguing for hours on end.I didn't even know why, everything was fine until then.I couldn't get proper sleep because I was up all night worrying.And then they told me they were getting a divorce.It's all my fault... They blamed me for the way I was." I confess A tear rolls down my check. 

"Dan,none of that is your fault.Your parents divorced because they couldn't work out their own problems,and that had nothing to do with you."Drago reassures me 

I hug my knees and bury my face in them.

"Hey Dan,what about we do something fun?" Drago suggests

"Like what?" 

"Like,make it to the top of that hill." 

I look towards the hill that Drago is gesturing towards. 

"Uhhh...sure I guess.But first I need to text the guys." 

We wonder around until we find a cafe.I step into it and smell the aroma of coffee beans.It's a nice place,and quite. 

I text Shun asking him if he wants to swap with me so could bunk with Magnus.He agrees to it but asks me why.I tell him it's because Magnus says I snore to loud so I don't wanna bother him. 

"Let's go."As time passes the sky melts into a pale yellow.It turns into a haze of yellow, orange ,blue and pink. 

"Drago.We-we're almost there." 

"Would you like to fly on my back now?"Drago asks

"Yes please!" Drago takes me on his back to the top of hill.And now the sky is midnight blue and the stars light up the night.

"Wow..."I breathe 

"It's so peaceful up here."Drago says 

"It is." 

"Do you plan on going back?" My Bakugan asks 

I shrug my shoulders in response.I lay down on the grass.I think I'll just stay here.It's not like Magnus wants to see me anyways. 

*Magnus's pov* 

(While the sun was setting) 

The ao meet up in our room.

"Hey you guys,have you seen Dan lately?" Lia asks 

We all shake our heads.My stomach knots tighter and my pulse quickens 

"He texted me asking if I could swap with him because he snored to loud and it bothered Magnus."Shun mentions 

"Wait,I never said that.Ugh!I messed up!"I yell and bury my face in my hands.

"What happened?" 

"He asked me if I were okay and I got mad with him and told he was a worthless piece of crap that nobody wants."I admit 

"Magnus!What is wrong with you???You can't say that!You never know how bad that'll hurt!!!" 

"I know.I KNOW.I messed up,we need to find him and I need to set things right!" 


We decide to split up.I search everywhere where with Nillious,but no luck... 

We meet up again 

"Found him?" 


"UGH!!!I need to find him!"

I get back on Nillious and find him on a hill. 

"DAN KOUZO!!!"I yell 


I leap off Nillious and run to him. 

"Dan I'm sorry-" 

"No Magnus, you're right.I am just a worthless piece of crap that nobody wants.And you helped me see that."He whispers,his eyes watering 

"No no,I didn't mean any of that-" 

He turns to me 

"But you're right.You know Magnus,a month back my parents divorced and it's all my fault.So I am just a worthless piece of crap that nobody wants."The pyrus brawler admits.Tears flooding down his cheek like a torrent of rain. 

My eyes widen and my jaw drops.I throw my arms around him and slowly rub his back. 

"Dan,whatever happened has nothing to do with you.You're a great kid you know?And no matter what,your parents love you.And I didn't mean what I said.You mean a lot to the ao...and to me." I say 


"Yeah." I use my thumbs to gently wipe away his tears 

"You know,you have the the prettiest ocean blue eyes." 

"And you have the most gorgeous Persian red eyes."  

"Dan,can you forgive me?" He sighs 


And we go back to the hotel.

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