
she doesn't care and
neither do i


hey kid

it's been two years

we miss you

a lot

how have you been

i've been okay

bit sad without you
around anymore but
that's okay

jisung has lost it

he genuinely believes
that you never cared
about him or any of us
or the times we had

i know that's not true
and if you could talk
to us you definitely

i did hear about your
dad and i'm sorry

i'm so sorry

but it'll get better

i promise

it may not seem like
it but it will

anyways i gotta go

i'll text you again later
so fucking answer me
you dickwad

just kidding

okay bye

i love you


girl you wouldn't believe
the day i've had

shits just crazy rn

don't even fucking know
what's going on but yolo
ya know

i miss you

you should maybe text
me back sometime idk

if you want

i mean i'm not gonna say
no or ignore you lmao

okay i'm leaving now




hey min

it's been literally forever

i just randomly remembered
you and i was like

text her you bitch

so here i am

i heard you're not talking
to any of the dreamies

nor are you talking to

kind of a dick move if
you ask me but you do
you girl


i don't appreciate you

oki bye


jungwoo wont text you
so here i am

he missed you a lot

and i miss you too

i hope you're not dead



it's been a year since you
left and i've heard
nothing from you

i've messaged you on insta
too but i don't think you
use your account anymore

i miss you like a fuck ton

it's crazy

i can't stop thinking
about you

i hope you haven't
forgotten about me
because i sure as
hell haven't forgotten
about you

i hope you're okay and
that you're healthy and
you haven't lost too much
weight because i still
think about your squishy

and yes idc i'm still gonna
call it squishy

chenle really misses you

he went crazy a little
while ago lmao

but what can you do

2 years ago


still haven't heard from

kinda shit if you ask me


i just wanna know why

where tf did you go

why did you just leave
and forget about me

i thought you loved me

i thought you said you
wouldn't forget about me
no matter what

turns out you're a liar
and you never cared

you obviously never

so fuck me i guess

wasted my time and left
me alone

1 year ago


update for you in case
you do care but i highly
doubt you do

i have a girlfriend

or i did

i guess

i think she broke up with

i'm not sure i wasn't really
listening to her i never
really do

she says my heart clearly
still belongs to you so she
can't be with me or some
shit like that idk and i don't
really care either

i just want you to come

i need you to come back

just come back

6 months ago


i miss you

i can't do this anymore

i'm sorry for everything
i said before i really am

i didn't mean any of it

i love you

i still do and i don't think
i ever won't

i really really miss you

just come back

or answer me

just give me some kind
of sign that you're still


jisung i





"fuck! no, no, no! come on, you dumb fucking thing!" minji cries as the phone dies, completely dies. it wouldn't even turn back on.

all hope was not lost, however. luckily for minji she'd been smart enough to add her new number to the old dream chat.

"god, i'm so fucking smart!"

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