Chapter 1. In The End A New Beginning Starts

Start from the beginning

"I'm no longer a hero... I'm your executioner" said Izuku looking up at him "I will bare the burden of killing your and Shigaraki if it means your evil can never effect this world again" his stump then shot out black tendrils that formed into a skeletal like arm to replace the one he lost.

All for one gritted his teeth before he calmed himself down, he's defeated Izuku multiple times now so what's one more.

"Fa Jin".

In a mere instant Izuku's fist slammed into All for ones gut making the man puke blood, Izuku then grabbed him by his throat and choke slammed him to the ground before he reared his fist back to try and cave his skull in. All for one saw this and activated another quirk he stole, his body shot out fire and ice which made Izuku go flying.

"Hehehe I must admit your classmates quirks are quiet something... Though there is one quirk I wish I was able to acquire.. what was his name.. ah yes Aizawa, such a shame he had you kill him and burn his body to prevent me from getting it".

Izuku closed his fist as his blood started to boil as that memory resurfaced.


"Midoriya.. you need to kill me" said a very weak Aizawa looking at him

"NO SENSEI!! I WON'T LOOSE YOU TOO!!!" yelled a 17 year old Izuku in tears.

"Izuku listen... We can't take any chances of All for one or Shigaraki getting my quirk... Please" said Aizawa.


Aizawa let a smile form on his face and he placed his hand on Izuku's shoulder "Izuku... Just know I'm very proud of and.. you were always like a son to me... If I ever had a kid I'd hope they'd grow up to be like you".

Izuku started crying even harder at hearing this "please... Sensei... Don't leave us... Don't make me have to kill you..".

"I'm sorry Izuku... But this is the only way..." His eye then turned red and he forced a knife into Izuku's hand before he started to strangle him.

Izuku started gasping for air and tried to summon his quirk but couldn't and he looked up at Aizawa's red eyes seeing tears in them and he did what had to be done.

With a quick stab Izuku stabbed him through the heart making him groan in pain as he fell back.

"I'm proud of you Izuku... Protect Eri.. and I'm... Sorry.......".

Aizawa's body slumped to the floor as blood started to pool under him and Izuku started to cry harder letting out animalistic like screams of pain.

He knew why he wanted him to do it, it was to make Izuku become stronger and to make sure All for one never got Erasure.

Izuku gently picked up Aizawa's broken body and placed it on a couple logs before he lit it letting the fire slowly start to burn his body away.

After an entire hour the fire died down and there was only a smoldering pile of Ash now, the sky then started to down pour.

"Papa.. where's uncle Aizawa.." said Eri walking up to him.

"He's in a better place Eri..... A much better place.." said Izuku letting out a chocked sob.

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