19. Love The Only Drug

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Well, I am writing about the most written, discussed, felt and witnessed topic in the history. But today I can not stop myself as I was reading one of my chicken books and it has subject of Love. Romance.

So, here I am, in the middle of the night, writing on Love; because I can not shake off my thoughts after reading tons of real life love stories.

Love, as someone said, is easy to spell but hard to define.

And can we really define love in a couple of sentences? Nah. What I think that for every single person out there in the world, Love holds different definition. We all have our own ideas that has come from our experiences of love. So what if it is completely opposite from what your friend has thought of. It is still love because your heart dance on that beat only you can hear. For your friend, it might be guitar and for you, the drum might rock the world. What that means, is a feeling that unlocks the heart and free it.

For our grandparents, it was unspoken but felt with heart. And fortunately we can express it openly. But sometimes I think even we are living in an email where it is easy to express love, we are afraid to fight for it, take our chances and commit to the other person.

But that is not I wanted to talk about. What I wanted to write about, is my definition of love. My thoughts on it.

Well, let's get started.

A guy once had told me that and let me quote him, "Perhaps one does not want to be loved so much as to be understood... :)"
Those were the lines, I always played in my mind when I thought about love. He was right as I looked around me and saw tons of people living to the lines. And that is what I will look for always.

Love for me is understanding each other and being completely yourself, accepting the person as he or she is. Minimal compromises. Being crazy together and growing old together. It is doing stupidest thing and also sitting on the sofa, watching movie we both like. It is love when I cook Maggi, a boiled one and you still enjoy it. And it is love when you are listening to Pink Floyd and I don't understand a single word. Love is dangerous and sour; living beneath our skin and creating magic. Making two imperfect, opposite people, perfect together. It is all the movies we have seen so far, all the romantic songs that melted our hearts and all that epic love written in the books. And still we have to find it in our own way and live up to it to create a new definition.

At least, for now this is what I mean by love. But when it comes to love I suffer from bipolar disorder. I like it and I don't like it. I want to be a free soul but still is hopeless but still hopeful romantic by heart. May be my definition will change when I will experience any kind of experience like that. I am untouched by this emotion, but I hope that when I do, I will live it with my whole heart.

Till then may singles rock the world. Freedom and independence rule everything and I be as awesome as slice of pizza with melting cheese. (Bad lines!)

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