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Two days had passed before I went back home. I went in, very cautious of who I might find, yet the house was empty. I went up to my bedroom only to find a bottle of my favorite perfume and a note, it read:
I'm sorry for what I did, I know it wasn't right and I know you're hurt. Please accept my apology and my gift.
P.S. Charlotte got a modeling job out in Morocco, I had to go with her to take care of Scarlet. Robert and his family have come along as well, I really want you to join us.

I rolled my eyes and crumpled up the note. Charlotte was Jimmy's baby mama, he had been seeing her unbenounced to me and had gotten her pregnant. Scarlet was their daughter and my stepdaughter, whom I loved to pieces. As upset as I was, I was going to meet them in Morocco so I could keep an eye on Jimmy, plus I wasn't going to give up a chance to be around Robert.
I got out of the cab and checked the address on the back of the note, I grabbed my bags and walked up to the door. Before I could knock, the door flew open,
¨Bailey!¨ Scarlet screamed before latching herself to my leg. I dropped my bags and picked her up. She was a bit heavy, seeing as she was five and I hadn't really seen her since she was three.
¨Hello! I missed you, how have you been?¨ I said, looking at the smiling girl,
¨I've been well, I'm so happy to see you, Bailey!" she said, I held her tightly before I put her down and grabbed my bags. I walked farther into the house only to find Jimmy passed out on the couch. I rolled my eyes and moved on towards the upstairs part of the house. I went into the master bedroom to see a sight that made me truly angry. Charlotte and Jimmy had set up camp, probably expecting me to take a guest room, but I wasn't going to take it. In true petty bitch fashion, I took all of Charlotte's stuff and moved it to the guest part of the house. I was being nice because I hung up her clothes and didn't throw them. Then I unpacked my bag where Charlotte had her items previously. Satisfied with my work, I headed downstairs to play with Scarlet.
A few hours of playing with Scarlet had gone by before Jimmy woke up. We were just ending a modified game of monopoly when I saw Jimmy standing in the doorway. He was leaning his right shoulder on the frame with arms crossed and a warm smile on his face. Suddenly I didn't want to be angry with him anymore.
¨Well, it looks like you won,¨ I said to Scarlet, ¨The only downside is, winner has to cleanup!¨
I stood up and patted her head and walked over to Jimmy, I motioned for us to move out of the room and into some privacy.
¨I'm sorry that I wasn't faithful to you, it's not right,¨ He said,
¨Just don't do it again,¨ I said, wrapping my arms around him, I wasn't completely ready to forgive him. Every time I had fallen in love again and trusted him with my heart, he broke it, and every time he broke it, the pain got worse and worse. I wasn't going to let it happen again.

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