Time Will Move

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Time Will Move
By Vallwrites


We think we'll stay in a moment, forever.
We know that time goes on,
but we still believe, in the back of our minds,
that we'll always be this young,
that we'll always feel this way.
We can't quite fathom the fact that we're getting older,
and that, one day,
we'll be working full-time jobs, with a mortgage to pay, and a significant other.
Time feels so slow in the moment.
So slow, that it feels like forever.
But, before we know it,
ten years have passed,
and then another ten years,
and another.
We always seem to want to go back to the moments we were once in.
Even the most terrible ones,
because they were also the best.
I guess, it really is true when people say that we don't fully appreciate things until they're gone.
No one ever said that time would be one of those things.


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