I nodded. That was a reasonable answer. I guess.

MJ got Peter 2 books by his favorite author and both of them were signed. Ned got him a science kit and he states that Peter knows what it's for with a wink. I obviously got him all the starwars themed stuff. I thought it was cringe. He opened it and smiled.

"I know, it's bad. But it's the only thing I know you like" I laughed. He nodded and continued to scratch in the bag. Where he spotted the Lego set.

"OMG NED! WE GOT IT. OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH THIS IS AMAZING. WE'VE BEEN LOOKING ALL OVER FOR THIS. IT'S A MIRACLE! " so he was clearly over joyed, he even spun me around in the air to thank me.

It was Ronis turn and Peter looked at her almost as if he was hoping she'd tell him the secret.

"don't look at me like that, I made you breakfast this morning. Be thankful" he playfully pushed her as we all laughed at how dramatic she fell back.

"im kidding. here you go. I hope you like it" roni handed Peter a small box. A watch box? Probably.

Peter got emotional. Oh my God what is happening right now??

"is- is this... " he was lost for words he just looked at her. He was holding an antique watch. Looks super expensive. Must have cost a fortune.

"uncle Ben's watch? Yes it is. "

"H-how? Everyone said that it's impossible to fix that it's parts weren't being made anymore. How'd you fix it? "

"well a trip to Budapest had to be made but it all worked out" she smiled at him, but not a normal smile. You know those smiles where you can see all the love coming from the person. Yea, one of those.
"I don't know what to say.. T-thank.... Thank you. You're the best" he hugged her for quite some time. He even shed a few tears. Uncle Ben was probably someone really important to him.

After a few moments of talking and once everything calmed down I asked..

"hey guys mind if we take a group picture to show my mom I have actual friends. "

And for what felt like the first time ever Ned said a full sentence.

"sure as long as it's on Ronis phone. The quality makes me look super cute. " we all giggled at his statement but ended up taking atleast 15 decent pictures. I gave roni my number and she added me in the group. And sent them all in there.

I ended up taking another picture with just Peter and I and him wearing the hoodie and the Lego set in his hands. I sent it to my mom naturally.

Lia to Liz.
Hey mom.
Peter loved the gift.
Check it out
(1 image attached.)

Liz to lia.
Hey sweetheart I'm glad he loved it.
Enjoy you day❤️ I'll see you at 3.

I closed my phone and headed to my first class.
And after what felt like forever it was lunch, we all regrouped in music room making it our spot. I brought the cupcakes.

And again Ned spoke. He really got comfortable with me around.

"These are so cool. Can I place an order for my birthday? " he asked and I nodded. He proceeded to take a bite out of it.

"okay guys. THIS is amazing. Your mom really made these" again I nodded.

"wow your mom is awesome. Is that were you get it from? "

"okay Ned, that's enough questions for today. Here's the real question.. MS LINNS after school? "

Everyone agreed and was waiting for me for an answer.

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