Chapter 31

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"your honor, I believe that lizzie is a more suitable option for me. She's been more stable in my life this past 6 months than Mr I don't even know has been in my entire life time. He calls himself a dad but I don't even know him. I don't feel comfortable living in a strangers house and I hope you see things my way" Amelia finished and honestly I still couldn't get over the fact that she was standing infront of us. Awake. She's also slaying a hospital gown. I didn't think that was even possible. She ran up to me and embraced me and I didn't hesitate either. I missed her so much.

"you can't do that, your honor you already made up your mind the girl comes with me. I need her. I have debt to pay. Your honor in the most fit parent you said so yourself " Nathan was pleading like a crazy person. The judge hit his hammer on the block and silenced the court. Everybody waited patiently for him to speak

"I've decided to put Amelia Samuel's in the custody of........

Elizabeth olsen " I cringed at my pull name but was too stunned to speak.

Amelia and I shared a bone crushing hug.

"I get to be with my favorite person for the rest of her life" Amelia said with alot of exciteme- wait. What did she mean by that.

"what do you mean, for the rest of her life? " I asked curiously.

"the world knows you going to go first and in the rare case of me being first, you'll be like 90 because I'd be that old. " Greaaat.

"it's good to have you back kiddo"

"honestly not that good to be back. There's alot of unwanted drama going on."

"well,its over now kiddo you get to go home with your new mom and I'll pick up your stuff and drop it off at your new home" Amanda came to hug and congratulation us.

We headed out. I gave Amelia my jacket of my suit as she felt uncomfortable walking around in her hospital gown. We headed back to the hospital to get her things and actually sign her out properly. I'm surprised they didn't look for her. Should I sue? I don't have energy for another court case.

We got her things and headed home. To our surprise Amanda was already waiting. This girl doesn't play around. Wow.
She was looking at herself in a mirror?

"WAIT. WE LIVE NEXT TO JADE. OMG!!!! " hahaha I forgot Amelia didn't know where we lived.
She jumped out and went over immediately. I think she forgot that she's in a hospital gown  that or she just doesn't care anymore.
I stepped out and greeted Amanda

"So what's with the mirror? " I asked curiously pointing to it.

"Well. Nathan said it belongs to him and that he had it for a very long time. But I remember giving Amelia a questioning look about it when she left to the foster home so I took it. " Amanda explained quite aggressively.
"well. I can see why... It's a really good mirror."
We laughed and then carried Amelias things into the house and up to her room. There was laughter downstairs so I assumed it was Amelia..
So we headed down.
"I completely forgot what I was wearing and now max won't stop teasing me" Amelia explained with jade and Crystal laughing behind her probably remembering the happenings of moments prior.

"I'm going to get changed into something... Less hospital gownnnyy" the girls laughed again and walked past us on The stairs but stopped in their tracks.

"I have no idea where I'm going " Amelia exclaimed.

Now it was Amanda and I's turn to laugh.
"second door on the right sweetheart. " I explained.

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