Chapter 23

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Amelia /Leah pov.
I woke up to an empty bed and a note on the bedside table.

Got some work to take care of. Didn't want to wake you. I'll see you later at the airport. Promise. Xoxo- Lizzie

I smiled at the note and headed downstairs. Crystal and Sam were making a Sunday feast. Well a mini Sunday feast. Usually we'll keep the leftovers for lunch. But since we won't be here it would go to waste. I grabbed a bowl and had some branflakes, fruit and a chocolate chip muffin along with my ice latte from Starbucks. Internally scream and role eyes. At the fact that I'm drinking from the main competition. I'm petty I know..
We ate and cleaned. I headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower I didn't wash my hair because I didn't have time I literally had a plane to catch in less than an hour. I put on a black cuff pants with my airforce a tank top and Evans hoodie. I put my hair into a messy bun and I put my glasses on. I packed my carry on bag and double checked to make sure I have everything. Once I confirmed, we headed to the airport. I sat down waiting for lizzie I had 10 minutes to spare.

Where us she?

Lizzie pov.
I got to set early to get things done, well I couldn't do much but finalize my fittings for my outfit. the meeting only starts at 9:30. We were already late because Chris and Mark were in traffic. So it was now 10 according to Evans. I should probably start wearing my watch until I get myself a cellphone. The meeting went well I signed my contract and alot of confidential paper work that had to be signed to. At one point I decided to not mention anything about the movie until a year after its out I couldn't mess up my first movie. There's so much that can't be said like damn. What in the area 51 is happening. Well that was finally over I headed to the caferteria to get a quick snack I grabbed a muffin and bottle of water that's when Scarlett came running in looking furious. I wonder what happened to her. Who is she about to kill
"ELIZABETH CHASE OLSEN. IT IS 11:40!!" she yelled at me. What the hell. Okay I know I don't have a phone but I don't need a time reminder every 10 minutes.
"okay. And...? "
Oh my god. If my best friend could kill me at this very moment she would.
SHIT! I completely forgot. I dropped everything and sped. I drove way over speed limits. I'm surprised I didn't get a ticket. When I checked the board 3 flights were delayed. One could be hers. I looked around for a solid 20 minutes. Double checked every possible place there until I realized her flight took off. My legs gave in beneath me and I just cried in the middle of the airport not really caring whether the paps were taking pictures and having speculations about why I'm there. Great front cover story. Nobody care. At one point I did so I got up and went to my car and drove home I didn't even bother going back to set. I just wanted to be alot. I opened the freezer took out the ice cream and just sat on the kitchen floor crying.

Amelia /Leah pov.
I sat waiting for lizzie and that's when I heard it. Flight 072 to Africa has been delayed by 30 minutes. Great.🙄 Now I got 20 minutes just to sit around and do nothing. Actually wait. More time with lizzie. Where is she? I thought she'd be here by now because technically I'd be leaving in 5 minutes. Maybe she was looking for me? Sam and Crystal were at the coffee shop with huge hats and glasses because well? Sam is well known now. Annie really done wonders for her career. Point is they having coffee and keeping all the luggage so I decided to go looking around if I could see her after a solid 10 minutes I decided to give up and head back to the coffee shop.

We eventually boarded the plane and headed home 13 hours. Lesssss gooo. I finally get to be Amelia again. I really like being Leah but Amelia just suits me better. I questioned why lizzie didn't come. Maybe work? But she promised! Maybe she forgot? I doubt she'll forget me? Would she? No no no. She doesn't have a phone so she couldn't keep track of time. But Scarlett has one. No wait. No she doesn't. But Chris does, why couldn't she ask him? I wasn't disappointed. I was more mad and sad than anything else. Did I mean that little to her, for her to break her promise and not make an effort to say bye. I didn't give her another thought she wasn't worth my time and pain. I thought about jade and the basket ball team and the biggest idiot max and everything else. Even my mother and her funeral. All the thinking gave me a headache so I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Scarlett pov.
Lizzie didn't come back to work like she said she would so I headed over to her house. When I pulled up it looked like nobody was home. The windows and blinds were close the lights were off but her keys was on the outside of the door so she had to be in. Also this lady is going to be the death of me it's 7pm anybody could've stole it and broken in.
I walked in and headed straight to her bedroom because I assumed she was sleep but no sign of her I checked Leah's room also empty. I checked everywhere before heading to the kitchen.
I found her on the floor with way to much alcohol for my liking and ice cream. Well melted ice-cream. She looked like a hot mess. I'd say it's Brandon all over again but this makes the breakup with him look like she simply hit her pinky toe. Lizzie looked up at me.
"I lost her. I lost my world. She-she probably think I don't care. I didnt make it. It's all my fault. I promised her... I promised her and I didn't show." she was now sobbing uncontrollably so I sat next to her and held her as she cried into me. I gotta fix this. I already lost someone this way I know how it feels I can not let this happen to my best friend she's a pure soul she doesn't deserve this. I need a plan and it starts with getting ahold of Leah via Evans or someone that had a phone. Okay no. Scratch that. It starts with getting my bestfriend off of the floor.
I got up and gave her a hand. I headed straight for the shower and took a shower with her. After cleaning my vegetable friend I dried her and myself and put on pj's for both of us. I put her in bed and then headed downstairs to clean up. I then headed to lizzies office to call Evans from the house phone. Thankfully I knew all the cast members numbers out of my head. It rang twice before he answered.

(Chris = c. Scarlett = S)
C= Evans phone. Hello
S= hey dork. I need Leah's number please
C= hi Scarlett. I don't actually have a number   
     for Leah
S= what do you mean you don't have a number for her you guys are inseparable.
C= I don't. I'm sorry I'll ask Keen and them and then get back to you tomorrow.

I ended the called and headed to bed.

I woke up to a phone ringing. Lizzie was out cold next to me. I got up and went to her office and answered.
(Chris =c. Scarlett =s)

C=GoodMorning. Nobody has her number
S= hi. Nobody. Are you sure?
C= yea apperently it never came up because she never uses her phone.

Chris was right
S= great. Now I need a plan b.
C= why don't you just go see her physically.
S= we can't just go, we got work.
C= of course you can. We have a month and a half before we start filming so you should be fine.

I thanked Chris and ended the call. I got lizzie some water and pain killers. I walked into her room Determined
"GoodMorning sleeping beauty. Get up we got work to do"
She sulked.
"what are you on about" she sat up and took the tablets.
"we going to find your missing piece"
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Hey sparklers!
So Leah went home. Lizzie missed the opportunity to talk to her and is falling into a deep depression. Leahs head is spiraling and Scarlett is on to something. Scarlett being there for her gir- cough* bestie

I know nothing about flights and how long it gets delayed for but oh well!

Take care of yourself
Sparkle out!

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