high school has its problems, but you're the one to fix them. (human AU)

Start from the beginning

The bell rang again, which made Foxy jump up in shock. 'That was fast. Maybe because I slept through like half of the class.'  He thought to himself while picking up his bag and walking out of the classroom.

He walked down to his next class, but fell to the ground mid-way. "Hey, loser!" A familiar voice shouted. He immediately knew who it was; CB.

"What the fuck do you want." He said with annoyance. "You know what i want." 'CB' responded.

"Yeah okay clown girl. By the way, why do you even go by 'CB' ? Do you identify as a clown or something, Or are you from a circus?" Foxy giggled and smirked.

The hallway was filled with 'ooo' s and quiet laughs from other students. 'CB' gasped and her face went red. "Take that back! Why are you called Foxy  then?!" 'CB' said and felt like she accomplished something.

"I dunno, but are we really making this a competition on who has a better preferred name?" Foxy responded and got up, closing his eyes while walking past 'CB'.

Foxy walked to his next class, hoping that it wouldnt be with someone he didnt knew or somebody that was in his last class, since he really didnt have good interactions with people from math (the class before) class.

He slid through the door, really not wanting anyone to see him go in or know that he's late, but of course his teacher noticed.

"Goodmorning, [Insert Foxy's real name] . You can sit where-ever. Just dont be late the next time." His teacher said. Foxy sighed and his eyes searched for a free space when he saw a hand raise up.

"Can he sit with me?" Puppet. "Sure." The teacher said. Puppet motioned for Foxy to come and sit down, so he did. Foxy sat down on the chair next to Puppet and secretly took out his sketchbook.

"What's that?" Puppet asked, tilting his head. "Oh, it's just a sketchbook for when im bored." Foxy smiled and skipped to a page filled with drawn curvy hearts. "You know you're supposed to be focused on the lesson."

"I know, but it's boring here." Foxy responded with a frown. "Ahem, Excuse me you two. Anything you need to share with the class?" The teacher asked from the front of the class.

"Yeah, this class is boring so speed it up for your student's liking." The class burst out into laughter while the teacher shouted at Foxy (and Puppet too, dunno why she just thought he was going with Foxy's idea) to go to the principals office for detention when the principal clearly wasnt there to watch them.

They packed their stuff into their bags and Puppet dragged Foxy outside.  "Why'd you say that?! Now we're in trouble." Puppet shouted as he closed the classroom door.

"It was funny? I dont know. I live off being sarcastic and doing unfunny jokes." Foxy said with a frown while leaning against the lockers. Puppet sighed and pulled him instead into another empty classroom.

"Woah- Why are you acting like those fanfics i read at 2am." Foxy said, smirking while Puppet pinned him against the door.

"Just shut up." Puppet whispered before crashing his lips into Foxy's. Foxy gasped but let it happen, wrapping his arms around Puppet and pulling him closer.

"Mmh~" Foxy moaned and giggled to himself in his head. After what felt like an eternity, Puppet pulled away and blushed even more at Foxy's smirk.

"Dont look at me like that." Puppet said and shifted his gaze over to the left in embarrassment. "Sure, pretty boy." Foxy said with a wide smile and winked.

"Pretty boy?! Wh–"  Puppet was even more confused when Foxy said that.

"Dont ask." Foxy smiled and pulled Puppet outside the empty classroom and brought him to the principal's office.

"So we'll just stay here for the rest of the day or what?." Puppet asked, annoyed. "We could finish what we were doing earlier to pass time." Foxy smirked again.

"Mixed feelings on the offer." Puppet said and sighed. Foxy shrugged and sat on the floor near the weirdly decorated fireplace.


The day passed slowly while the two were stuck in detention, just sitting around or climbing on top of closets they shouldnt have access to.

The bell rang for the final time and the two knew it was time to go back home. Foxy jumped down from the table he was sitting and walked over to Puppet which was laying down on the carpet.

"Hey, i just wanted to say that this day was fun." Foxy said and chuckled, pulling Puppet up.
"It really was. I have one last question for this day though-" "Hm?"

"One last kiss?" Puppet asked and looked down, blushing. "Sure." Foxy giggled and pulled Puppet into a kiss.

They both pulled away after a few seconds and waved their goodbyes to eachother while leaving the school.

They were definetly coming back tommorow.

((the end!! thank you for reading this, you dont know how much it means to me lmao- this book will get alot of updates but i just need chapter ideas so the next one might be just a chapter asking for suggestions lololol.

word count; 1464, and again thank you for reading!))

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