"Just talk, Videl," says Angelique, "Catch me up, and then get out and go about sucking out the life of a squirrel or something."

"Squirrels are annoying, rodent creatures. I-"

"Talk now."

Videl sneers, "Fine. What do you know?"

"I know that Thea was kidnapped, probably to Asgard, and then you took her away. And that Loki is her father." Angelique glances at Thea, hoping that this information wouldn't bring a new onset of tears, but thankfully, Thea remains silent, although she slouches miserably. Angelique hurries on, "And you're a Velah. I also know that Ardhigiza and Asgard are at odds with one another right now, and that Neidra and Fjodr have become a power couple, trying to manipulate Asgardians into rebellion."

"Well you're wrong there," says Videl, "It's not Fjodr whom Neidra seems to be attached to. It's Loki."

Angelique frowns, "But Fandral and Sif went to her house, and a servant said that Neidra's lover had a black-haired daughter."

"I don't know if you know much about genetics, but if Loki is Thea's father, chances are that she has black hair."

"I'm looking at her right now. It's dirty-blonde."

"Yes, it is dirty. It's also cropped so that she looks like a boy. But apparently, you're observation skills are obsolete, because during the struggle with Loki, Thea's hair turned black. I assume that it's true color. Right, Thea?"

Thea nods, but refuses to look at him. She instead stares at the wall, eating her sandwich in small bites.

"So Loki must have changed it black before going to Neidra's house with her," says Videl, "That way, people would think that Neidra is with Fjodr. Apparently, his guise worked."

"How long was she at Neidra's?" asks Angelique, "And why would Loki take her there in the first place?"

"A day or so," says Videl, "And I haven't the slightest idea. Thea?"

She shakes her head, and doesn't say a word. She subconsciously rubs her thigh, where Neidra's whip had cut her.

"Well," says Videl, rolling his eyes, "Apparently, we don't know why. But we do know that Neidra doesn't like Thea very much."

"And we know that because...?"

"Well," says Videl dryly, "I doubt whipping someone is a sign of affection, but maybe that's just me."

Angelique jerks her head to Thea, who has bitten her lip again so that beads of blood form on her. "What?"

"I don't suggest bringing Neidra up to Thea," says Videl, "Apparently, it's a touchy subject."

"Oh Thea," says Angelique mournfully. "I'm so-"

"Stop saying sorry to her," says Videl, inspecting the ruby dagger, and then yanking it from the headboard, "Maybe now, she'll grow up a little."

Thea grits her teeth.

Angelique steers the conversation away, although arguably, into more dangerous waters, "Okay, fine. But what about that necklace? And... Loki is supposed to be dead."

"I'll let Thea explain that bit," says Videl, "I'm not completely clear on that either."

"Would you mind telling me?" asks Angelique to Thea, "Just so I can understand what's happening."

"Of course she doesn't mind," says Videl, "It's-"

"If you say another word," seethes Angelique, "I'll stake your heart."

Kidnapped|Book 4|A novel in the Blue Moon series| An Avengers fan fiction series|जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें