"Having fun?" I ask her, smirking as I look between her and Landon.

"Like you and Carter have never gotten it on in the dorms before," Landon scoffs.

"We have," I say. "And I'm sure he's told you all about it." I know that Carter tells Landon and Dimitri almost everything. Like like I do with Ana and Angie.

Landon nods, but doesn't give any details as to what Carter's told him.

"Where's Angie?" I ask Ana, just as Landon gives her a kiss and tells her that he'll see her later.

Ana is staring at him with so much affection in her gaze that she misses my question. "What?"

"Where's Angie?"

"Oh, she's stocking up on those fruity mints from the dining hall with Dimitri," Ana says. "She should be back soon."

I'm not surprised to hear that she's out with Dimitri. They broke up around the time Ana and Landon got back together, but it was the most peaceful break up I've ever witnessed. It was mutual–both of them realizing that they want different things in life and that they didn't want to waste their time dating if it wasn't for a future. Which explains why they're still best friends. I can't even count how many times Angie has gone out with Dimitri's new girlfriend along with Lena, who we all got closer to this year.

Before I can open my mouth to respond to Ana, the dormitory door flies open, a disheveled Tyrone running through it. "Page!" He yells at Ana. Yes, Page as in pages in a book. Not Paige, the name. Ty and Ana have been friends–best friends–since the beginning of senior year. How that happened is still a mystery. I guess, with being around Dimitri, Carter, and Landon all the time, with Ty tagging along, they just grew closer. He has an array of weird nicknames for her, but this is the one used most often.

"Yeah?" Ana asks, snapping her head towards him.

"Do you have my headphones?"

Ana walks over to a dresser in the corner of the room, opening the top drawer to produce a pair of red headphones. "Got them."

"Thanks," Ty says, taking them. Then, he turns towards me. "Hey, hot stuff."

"Not happening," I tell him. Sometimes he'll flirt with me in front of Carter just to try to get a rise out of him. It usually doesn't work. Carter trusts Ty. He's a good person and would never actually make a move on his friend's girlfriend.

He looks to Ana. "I tried."

She shrugs, smiling. "That's all you can do."

Ty nods before turning to head out of the room, bypassing Angie, who saunters in with a plastic bag full of colourful mints. "Bye, Sadie! Love ya, Page!" Ty calls out.

"One hundred and fifty mints. Jamie gave me the whole pack," Angie says, after waving at me in greeting.

"Bless Jamie," Ana says. Jamie is the head lunch lady at Fairridge.

Angie turns towards me, "What are you doing, Sadie? You have to get ready. You have a speech to give."

"Wow, great to see you too," I say, jokingly.

Angie rolls her eyes. "Great to see you. But you've got things to do."

"I'm going, I'm going," I tell her. "But I have to get my dress from Ana."

Ana snaps her fingers, "Right! I have it right here." She opens the dorm's shared closet and pulls out a white hanger, a gold dress hanging from it. It's a short dress to go under my gown that sparkles in the light. Ana–a really fucking good sewer–repaired one of the straps that ripped. This day, hell, this past week, has been chaotic.

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