Chapter 26

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He let me know that my husband had already left me even though we lived in the same house. ~ Susan Sanford ~

People don't look at me the same way anymore. I've been marked with the scarlet letter. If it wasn't for my friends, I don't know how I'd deal with the whispers. Because of that, when their hearts break so does mine. When their hearts are filled with joy, so is mine. Not all secrets end in tragedy. Some bring newfound happiness.

~Our Hometown of Dewbridge/Journal Entry by Darby Jones


I know they've figured it out by the shocked expressions on their faces when they glance up from the pages. They can't help but stare at one another in an attempt to drink in the similarities. There are tears in their eyes when they realize their blood is the same. I can't wait any longer. I should be there to hold her hand, but before I can step onto the porch Mattie spots me first and stands.

"Did you know?"

I've given her distance to deal with her grief. I accepted the fact that I was her punching bag, because I got the chance to know her mother's secret before she passed away. But this, this was a surprise to me as much as it was to her. I shake my head.

"Not until the conversation I had with my dad earlier and then I put two and two together."

"Holy shit," Darby whispers. She's still trying to process it all. She looks down at her belly and grimaces. "Mommy didn't mean that."

Rubbing the place where her baby is growing, she looks up and glances between Tad and Mattie. "But wow, twins."

I step onto the porch. Mattie is focused on Tad again. He stands up and walks to where she is. They face each other and stare.

"This is unbelievable," he says.

"I don't understand." The awe in her voice is unmistakable. "Our birthdays are on different days."

"Holy shit." Darby repeats while looking at her stomach again. "Damn, mommy's sorry but truly we're idiots."

"Speak for yourself. I'd like to think I'm a genius extraordinaire," Tad retorts.

"Well, this one time, you short circuited."

Not that I'm enjoying their friendly banter, but my attention is on Mattie who's lifted a folded document from one of the boxes. Once it's unfolded, I realize there are two instead.

"Darby's right. We are stupid. Mattie Sue Roberts born September 20 at 11:59 p.m. Tad Chandler Roberts born September 21 at 12:01 a.m."

"I never knew the time of my birth," Tad responds.

"Me either." She looks down at the papers again.

"Mother listed as Sue Gale Mackey. Father listed as Chandler Dale Roberts."

Darby holds up another set of papers stabled together. After perusing them, she looks up.

"These are your adoption papers, Mattie. Born Mattie Sue Roberts and formally adopted by Levi Mackey."

Mattie sits down and more than anything, I want to reach for her. The room gets silent while they digest the information thrown at them. Tad reaches for his sister's hand, and they cling to each other.

"I couldn't ask for a better sister."

A tear runs down his cheek. Her cheeks are already filled with moisture, and Darby is a mess. She's bringing new meaning to the term "ugly cry." Why someone would coin that phrase is beyond me. They look at her in concern, and she shrugs.

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