Chapter 1: From Branchlines to the Big City

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'Legend tells of an ancient artifact that can grant a woman's wish... The Skull Heart, however if she is impure of heart her wish will be corrupted and she will turn into an immensely powerful, twisted being of destruction...The Skullgirl.'

'However, there is one timeline where things go a bit... differently'

A steam engine puffs through the country side on a branchline. This engine has six small wheels, a short stumpy funnel, a short stumpy boiler, and a short stumpy dome. The engine's bright blue paint and red lining glistened in the sunlight. Humming could be heard, but not from the crew, from the engine itself. His name is Thomas, Thomas the tank engine.  He worked his own little branchline on the Island of Sodor. Other engines worked his line such as Toby, Percy, and Daisy. They all have been firm friends for many years and enjoy each others company, well most of the time anyway. 

"Rubbish Thomas" fumed Percy, a little, green, saddle tank engine

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"Rubbish Thomas" fumed Percy, a little, green, saddle tank engine. "There was a cow on the line, I couldn't help that." 

"Time is time Percy, I can't wait about while you mess around with live stock." said Thomas. 

Toby gave Thomas a stern look, he knew the trouble cows were.

"Nevermind Percy" said Toby kindly. "You did what you could to make up time."

Thomas said no more, he puffed away, eager to make up time. 

The rest of his day was rather uneventful. He was late to the junction where he got to get an ear full of what the big engines thought of his late arrival, then had to help in the station yard at Tidmouth as their pilot engine had ran short of steam, much to his annoyance. He always hated working in the yard, he'd complain he never got to go anywhere other than the sidings and the station platforms. When the day's work was done, Thomas went to the round house and puffed into an open birth. In the shed that night was a big, blue engine. He was Gordon the island's express engine. 

"Well well well, the fat controller shunted you back into the yard huh." he said. 

Thomas scoffed at Gordon, he didn't want to be reminded where he was. 

"Nevermind" said another, smaller blue engine named Edward. "You're helping us all out here Thomas, and I'm sure you'll be back on your branchline soon enough." 

Thomas only sighed, and went to sleep. 

The next morning it was discovered that the pilot engine had more problems than expected, and needed an overhaul. Because of this the fat controller arranged Thomas to stay in the yard until the pilot engine returned to service. Needless to say Thomas was rather unhappy with his arrangement. He would bump the trucks around, fuming all the while. The other engines quickly became annoyed with Thomas' grumblings. Most of their trains had left, so it was just Thomas in the yard. After he finished shunting he backed down to the water tower.

"What rubbish, why can't Duck or Donald, or any other engine for that matter come down and do this!?" he fumed. 

"Now now Thomas, you know this work needs to be done" said his driver. "Besides, the fat controller assigned you to do this, so you need to do it."

Thomas mumbled under his breathe as he made his way to the tower. He was hoping for anything to happen to make today a little more exciting. Suddenly Thomas began to notice something, the world around him began to stutter. Flashes of strange locations came and went, the rails began to flicker in and out of existence. Thomas wasn't cross anymore, he was frightened and shut his eyes. His driver and fireman noticed and applied his brakes, frighten of what would happened if Thomas kept going on with what was happening around them. With a swoosh and a bright light, Thomas and his crew were out of the yard. 

After the bright flash Thomas slowly opened one of his eyes, then both shot open in surprise. They weren't in the yard, not even on Sodor anymore. Instead they were in a big city area, moonlight and buildings lit the area, but not a soul could be found on the streets. 

"Driver you ok?" asked Thomas

"Yeah, we're both alright" he said. He looked out of the side of Thomas' cab. "Fireman, I don't think we're on the North Western Railway anymore." 

"Yeah, look at this place. I don't think Britain has any places like this, do they?" asked the fireman. 

"Well, at least they have rails here" said Thomas. Looking down the driver saw Thomas was on what seemed to be tramway rails. 

"Well would you look at that, there's some good news." he said. The driver and fireman got out of his cab and went to examine the rails to see if Thomas could run of them. 

 While they were checking the rails, a figure watched in the distance in an alleyway. It pulled out a little radio.

"Anti Skullgirls Lab. I believe one of the old doc's creations got loose. mmph, mmmh, ok, will do." it put the radio down. Her eyes narrowed on him and his crew. "So, a living train. Doc sure has talent I'll give him that much." The figure fades into the darkness. 

"Alright boy, the rails seem to be a good fit." said his driver at last. "Let's see what's around here, maybe we can find some help." They climbed back into Thomas' cab, the driver opened the regulator and Thomas set off, feeling a bit nervous. 

Thus ends the first chapter. Again, haven't written in a while so this isn't gonna be great, but at least I'm hoping readers will enjoy this. 

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