🖤Halloween Special! #1🖤

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Today was Halloween and Kuro had asked (y/n) to take his younger siblings to get some candy since he was going to run some errands with Hugh and Freya. (Y/n) was more than happy to take the kids trick or treating. She was excited because she had a little surprise for the kids. She had decorated both the inside and the outside of her house, most of the decorations were ghosts, spiders, and pumpkins.

An hour later, Kuro dropped off his siblings.

They were excited to see (y/n) since she always threw the best Halloween parties, they knew this year's party was going to be just as awesome as all the others. It was still a little early before they had to go out trick or treating so (y/n) decided to set some rules. She led them into the living room but they all froze, (y/n) wasn't sure why they looked so scared. She looked up ahead and saw her black cat sitting on the coffee table in the middle of the living room, his dark green eyes locked on the children.

From that angle along with all the scary decorations, her cat looked rather scary but she was able to calm the children down and assure them that he wasn't going to hurt them.

Everyone's costumes were absolutely adorable, lawless was a wolf, jeje dressed up as a dragon, world end was a piece of candy, Lily was a ghost, and Tsubaki was a bunny.

*****Time Skip*****

" Tsubaki, stop pulling my hair."

Since he was only two years old (y/n) was carrying him around as she followed the other children as they ran from one house to the next. Lily and world wanted to eat the candy they had gotten but (y/n) asked them to wait a little longer so she could check if they were good for them to eat.

" Alright, we'll go to a few more houses then we'll go back and have our Halloween party. How does that sound?" (y/n) asked them.

They all smiled and nodded in agreement, they walked to the last three houses before they turned around and headed back to her house.

Every year, (y/n) would have some sort of surprise for them, last year she decorated the backyard and had many games they could play. The year before that she had set up a scary maze they could walk through while collecting candy, of course, Kuro and (Y/n) would scare them every once in a while. This year though was going to be much more exciting since (y/n)'s mother had recently revealed a family secret to her.

Her mother had told her that she was a witch while her father was an incubus, which meant (Y/n) was a mixture of the two. Ever since her mother told her this she's been teaching (y/n) some magic she can show the kids. When they arrived, Kuro, Hugh, and Freya had already helped set up the treats for the kids who were eager to know what this year's surprise was. While Kuro and the others kept the kids entertained, (Y/n) sneaked away to put on her outfit (Picture at the top) and made preparations for tonight's big surprise.

An hour later, they led the kid's into the theater (y/n) had in her house ( did I say house, I meant to say mansion XD ). Once they had gotten the children settled they waited patiently for what was going to happen next.

" Are we going to watch a play?" Lawless asked.

" Maybe (y/n) is going to show us some scary magic tricks." Lily said with excitement.

Tsubaki just giggled.

The lights suddenly shut off, causing them to get scared.

Then they heard music start to play.

Then they watched as (y/n) appeared and started to sing while using her magic to make many ghosts, bat's, pumpkins and a few other Halloween related things to appear. She also made an alternate version of herself who threw candy and confetti all over the place. (Y/n) saw how amazed the children were so she used her magic to make them fly, they all joined her on the stage as the song continued to play. In the end, they agreed that this was the best surprise they had ever had on Halloween.

They couldn't wait for next year's Halloween party!

They couldn't wait for next year's Halloween party!

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~~Happy Halloween!~~

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