🖤New Character🖤

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How you meet:

It all started when your mother kicked you out of the house because she wanted you to get out so you could get some fresh air and make some friends while you were at it. You were pretty reserved and hardly talked to anyone other than your family. You always wondered who would want to be friends with an introvert artist such as yourself, even so, you couldn't remember the last time you went out on such a beautiful day like this one. There was a forest nearby with a lake that you used to go to when you were younger, that's where you decided to spend the rest of your afternoon. When you arrived you took notice of the flowers that had started to grow around the edges of the lake. You decided to go over and pick some flowers to make a flower crown when you plucked a few flowers off the ground you were startled when a small black snake popped up from the patch of flowers. You were surprised to see the snake mostly because in all the times you could remember coming here not once have you ever encountered a single snake. Although this particular snake was different from all the others you've seen pictures of, this one, in particular, had a yellow cross on its head. Now most normal people would freak out and back away from it but you weren't normal, in fact, you really loved snakes.

You stared at the snake for a few minutes before holding out your hand to touch it, to your surprise the snake slithered up your arm before it rested around your neck. You spent the rest of the afternoon making flower crowns and talking to the snake. A few hours later you noticed it was getting dark so you decided to head back home, of course, you decided to take your little friend along with you. When you arrived home your mother asked how your day outside was then she asked if you made any new friends. That's when you showed her the snake you found in the forest, understandably she freaked out and backed away from you.

" Why did you bring that here with you! Take it back outside!"

" Jeje is going to be staying here with me, he's going to be staying in my room so you're not really going to see him often."

" You even gave him a name already!?"

After convincing your mother that Jeje was pretty much harmless you went up to your room to take a nap. By the time you woke up, it was already two in the morning as you looked around your room you were surprised to see a tall dark figure walking around your room. You were still half asleep so you decided to turn on the lights just to make sure your eyes weren't playing tricks on you. You turned on the lights and was surprised to see the person standing there with long black clothing and three paper bags on his head.

" Who are you? Why are you walking around my room?" you asked.

He said something but you couldn't really hear what he said you asked him if he could repeat himself. And that's when he explained that he was the snake you had picked up in the forest earlier that day, then he also mentioned that he was a servamp. You were a little surprised to find that vampires were real and there was one in your room at this very moment. Although, you were even more surprised when he asked if you could be his eve. You thought about it for a few minutes, thinking it would actually be fun having him around. In the end, you decided to become his eve, the other fun thing about him staying was so you could constantly scare your mother with his snake form.

He tells you he loves you:

A few months passed after you became Jeje's eve and you were really enjoyed having him around to talk to when you were done with your art projects. He was actually really helpful at times as well, he would let you know if you were overworking yourself before urging you to just take a break, if you fell asleep on your desk he would carefully pick you up and tuck you into bed, and there was also the fact that he would get you more tea or coffee when he noticed your cup was empty. Although, nowadays he would be very affectionate in his snake form. If he wasn't wrapped around your arm he would be around your neck watching you work and every once in a while he would nuzzle your cheek. You did wonder why he was being so clingy at times but you thought nothing of it for the time being. You actually thought it was pretty cute, of course, this made you question why he was constantly being affectionate with you. It was kind of nice and you didn't really mind it, although it was kind of difficult to deal with since you had a crush on Jeje. When you first realized it you were completely shocked that you of all people actually managed to have feelings for another person again, since the first time you ever had feelings for someone simply ended up with you getting rejected. And many times after that as well...

💖Book Of Servamp Oneshots & Scenarios💖Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon