Chapter 5~ Valentine's Day Grilled Cheeses

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Chapter 5

Buffy's P.O.V.***

I woke up and saw Niall facing me, his arms wrapped tightly around my waist. I studdied his sleeping figure, and saw when he sleeps he looks. innocent. I heard a chuckle, and I jumped like I was shot. (no pun intended)

"Watching me while I sleep, Buffy? I see how you are." Niall said. I felt my cheeks heat up, and I burried my face into Niall's bare chest. 

"Awwww c'mon love. Don't be like that. You're cute when you blush. Lets go get some food." Niall said and picked me up bridal style. I squeeled and said,"Niall! Put me down! Now!" He chuckled and shook his head. He ran us into the kitchen, and sat me down. He ran around and pulled out some bread, butter, and cheese. I gave him a questioning look, and he said,"Its 1 PM Buffy. We slept pretty much all day. Oh and one more thing." He was gone after I blinked. I felt arms wrap around my waist and a chin go down on my shoulder. I saw a box in Niall's hands that were resting on my hips. "Happy Valentine's Day babe. I know we just met a few days ago, under terrible circumstances, and we have terrible luck, but would you possibly become my....." Niall was cut off by Harry running in the kitchen. "Shit. Niall. Will you take Liam and I to get something for Sam for Valentine's Day? We kind of..... um forgot." Niall chuckled and said,"Yes. Get Liam and meet me in the car in 5 minutes." Harry nodded and ran out. Niall turned towards me and said,"Where was I? Oh yes. Buffy, would you please do me the honors and become my beautiful girlfriend?" I felt my cheeks heat up instantly. 'I should ask Sam what she thinks. She'll tell me what to do.' I thought. I looked at Niall and said,"Niall. Can I have a few minutes to decide?" I saw him sadden. "On second thought, Niall Horan. I would

love to become your girlfriend." He smiled, and threw me over his shoulder. I dropped the bread I was buttering and squeeled.

"Niall!!!! Let Me Down!" I commanded. Niall just chuckled and grabbed my butt. I gasped, and Niall threw me on the couch. I tried to get up, but he pinned me down and started tickling me.

"Niall!" gasp for air "Schtap!" gasp "You" gasp and giggles "I'm ticklish!" 

"Never!" Niall shouted. I closed my eyes as he began tickling me again, harder this time.

"Niall! Stop!" I squeeled and I heard someome clear their throat.

I turned to look at the person, Liam, who was leaning against the doorframe.

"Niall. We've been waiting in the car for 15 minutes. You promised you'd be there in 5. Please come with us now!" Liam begged. Niall chuckled and said, "I'm coming." he pecked my lips in vampire speed, and ran out the door. I scrunched my nose up and wiped off my lips. Sighing, I got up off my bed and started walking towards Liam's room. I stopped at the door and thought,'Well. I'm gonna get lectured later about doing this. Meh. YOLO!' 

I opened Liam's door and saw Sam asleep on the bed. She had her wrists and ankles cuffed together. I sighed and walled out. I walked into Louis's room and saw him crying.

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