Chapter 2: The Undead Oracle (Fluff.)

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Idea stolen from Kalamity on tumblr ( I changed it a bit, but that was my inspiration.)


Pixlriffs stepped into the dimly-lit chamber inside the Anthill where the Oracle was housed, closing the door behind him. Leaning forwards and drawing the curtain, he was met by the wonderful sight of his zombified lover.

"I've been expecting you, Lord Pixl," the green-skinned man said, before connecting their lips in a deep kiss. The king broke it off, as he needed oxygen, and the zombie smiled, displaying his sharp teeth in satisfaction.

"Nice to see you too, Zloy," the taller said as he drew up another stool and reached into his inventory bag to retrieve his latest findings.

"So, here we have all the law books since I built the kingdom. And here," the god smiled, pulling out another large volume. "Is the book Lady Krixten gave me." The book was grey with age, yet the pages were at clear as the day they were created. Pixl skimmed through the many pages, until he reached the chapter about the Oracle. He started to read the pages, mumbling quotes that could be useful to the endeavor.

"Wow dude, really gonna read all those words just so you can *cough cough* frolic in the hay with me, eh?" the younger remarked as his lover sighed. "Isn't the prospect soo exciting, my Lord?"

Pix groaned as Zloy let out a "That's what she said" joke. 

"Stop that, you arse."

"Make me, pretty boy."

With that final sassy remark, the calm, collected King of Pixandria cut his Oracle off with a hard punch to the stomach, leaving the zombie breathless?. They continued in this manner for a while, with teasing insults and soft punches. By the time they finished, they were breathless and ready to pass out from exhaustion. Pix spoke up, always the voice of reason. 

"Zloy, we should head to bed now."

The undead man agreed with his partner, and the two slowly shuffled into the crumpled bed in the corner of the room. Slipping under the covers, the king buried his head into his Oracle's chest as his breathing evened out, sending him into the seet realm of dreams.

And if Lenxi, Pix's advisor, came in the next morning and found the two men in the same clothes as the day before, limbs tangled with the others', well that was for xem to know, and xem to know only.


This was written at half 3 in the morning, and I am going to sleep now. Credit for the Oracle!Zloy goes to Kalamity on tumblr, and I hope you have a nice day/night!

(Who am I kidding, no-one's gonna read this.)

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