Chapter 2 - Devious Bridesmaids

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I unwrapped it and took a bite. "You've got to admit, he's quite the looker." I stated. "I didn't know that Aiden, that Aiden, was the groom. I was planning to shamelessly flirt with him."

"Where did you see him?"

I rolled my eyes. "Kendra put me in the room across from him. I can see him through my sliding glass door." I remarked.

"You're single, right?" Alani said. "She's probably trying to remind you that she's getting married and you're all alone."

"I caught on." I assured Alani that I knew that. "I'm going to be forever alone and a work-a-holic. I can predict the future, you see?" I stated and Alani and Lauren rolled their eyes.

Alani patted my knee. "I'm sure you aren't going to be alone. I mean, you're pretty and you have personality. Kendra is missing the personality part."

"She has a personality, it's called being a bitch." Lauren corrected Alani.

"I feel bad for Aiden, he's going to be stuck with Kendra he's whole life." Alani sighed and then took a bite of a truffle. "She doesn't deserve him."

"If Kendra treats him like crap, it would be easy to break them up." I mentioned. "But that wouldn't be the bridesmaid thing to do." I said, taking another truffle.

Lauren paused. "That's a brilliant thing to do!" She exclaimed.

I flinched. "No, none of the things I ever say is or will be brilliant." I shook my head. "Let's forget I said it, and do what we're here to do. Maybe have nightmares of Kendra and feel bad for ourselves then continue the rest of our lives."

Lauren rolled her eyes again. "I mean we all know that Kendra doesn't deserve much less love Aiden. Why don't we open up his eyes?"

"Like straight out tell him that 'you're wife is a slut'?" Alani seemed confused.

"Well, no, then he'd hate us. Make him see it for himself."

"What if she actually does like him?" I asked. "He's buff, which is Kendra's type. He's not shy anymore. He looks like he used to be on the football team." I pointed out.

Lauren rolled her eyes. "Aiden's a business major and has a guaranteed job as marketing manager that makes at least one hundred-thousand as a median salary at his dad's business that he'll run someday." Lauren said.

"Okay, maybe she loves his money." I surrendered.

"So we should break them up?" Alani asked more than said.

Lauren nodded. "I mean there's better people out there for Aiden. I actually like Aiden, even if he does have a bank account."

"There's Jordyn!" Alani smiled at me.

I paused mid-bite. "What?" I asked.

"Aiden and I are still really good friends. We were friends in high school, too. He used to have a crush on you. He would talk about you a lot when I would hang out in the band room with him. Then at the reunion, he kept looking for you and you didn't go. Why wouldn't you go, huh? I wanted to see you. Anyways, he found Kendra instead. She told him that you had a boyfriend and then the two kind of hit it off. I guess Kendra still can fake it. Then when Kendra told him that you were going to be the maid of honor, he was so excited to see you. When he bursted into the dance studio, I was having class, I mean seriously, knock. Anyways, he kept grinning like a maniac. I guess he really misses you."

"You're a dance teacher?" I asked after a moment of thinking about what she said.


"That was not the point of the story." Lauren said flatly.

I laughed. "I don't like poor Aiden like that, nor have I ever. Sure, I find shy guys really adorable and cute, but I've never been attracted to Aiden like that." I said. "I don't want to be like Kendra and fake it."

"I don't think you need to fake liking him." Lauren smiled. A look of disbelief settled on my features. "No, I meant, you just being here is distraction enough for Aiden. Just be...friendly with him."

"Aiden's too good, though. He wouldn't cheat on his fiancé." Alani pointed out.

Lauren sighed. "But he'll doubt if he really likes her. Kendra isn't always careful to hide her flirting, just catch her at a bad time."

"I like this plan!" Alani declared.

I shook my head and took another chocolate. "I don't." So much could go wrong. I also would need to tease a boy. Plus, that takes effort, something I don't like to put forth.

"Aw, come on, Jordyn. You of all people should want to get back at Kendra. All the stuff she made you do for her, like her homework and projects, you should want to break up the unhappy couple." Alani reasoned. "She did ruin your chances of dating Aiden."

"I don't want a boyfriend at the moment." I continued to argue.

"You'll change you mind. But the point of this is to ruin Kendra, who you probably hate." Lauren reminded me.

I groaned. "Fine."

How To Ruin A WeddingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora