"Thomas Hiddleston," Flo answered making the officer nod his head. He walked us over to the entry to the holding cells and opened the door. We both started to walk through as he held his arm up, "Only one." She nudged me forward, "He wants to see you anyways." I let out a deep breath, nodding and walking forward. 

"The rules, no touching, no trading phone numbers, no talking about cases which could persuade into an indifferent judge ruling, and no kissing," He looked me up and down, "I don't like having to break those kinds of things up." I nodded again, wringing my hands together nervously. 

A grating sound echoed through the hallway as the door opened. My eyes instantly landed on Tom's figure. He was sitting on the holding cell bench, his elbows resting on his knees with his head in his hands. "Tom," I spoke out, yet more of a whisper. His head instantly snapped up as well as his body. "Viv.." Within a moment my body was enveloped in his, the familiar scent of him mixed with copper and cigarettes. "Hey!" The guard shouted making me step back, "I said no touching."

"Apologies," Tom held a hand up as he guided me to sit down in a spare folding chair in front of the built-in metal bench. We both sat in silence for a moment, the only noise being an occasional rowdy inmate and an officer yelling in the distance. 

"I won't say I'm sorry.." Tom spoke, "Not for this." Confusion must have swept over my features as Tom looked at me with curiosity. "You don't know what I've done?" I shook my head, "I was on my way to you when..when Florence caught up with me." He gulped, looking me in the eyes and then traveling down. His gaze stopped at my neck, looking over to see the officer was not paying attention. Raising a hand, his fingers stroked over the covered bruises and gashes that had been inflicted not even twelve hours before. "I couldn't stand by and watch him hurt you any longer." 

I gripped his hand in mine, stopping him from rubbing the sensitive skin, "What did you do?"

He brought my fingers to his knuckles, the split skin still raw and bleeding, "Sebastian and Scarlett saw you two the other night at the bar." I felt a feeling of anxiousness wash over me as heat flashes started. "They knew they couldn't walk up to you without causing another scene so when he came to me I..." Tom gulped, biting his lip as he diverted his eyes away from mine. 

I shook my head, bringing my touch to his jaw- making him look me in the eyes. "I won't be mad.." Letting a tear slip down my cheek he caught it before the liquid soaked my t-shirt, "I promise." 

Bobbing his head up and down a couple of times, he continued, "I found out where he worked, hid in the parking garage, and beat him until he confessed to hurting you."

I knew I should've been scared. I should've run and never looked back. Inflicting violence was never something I wanted, yet with the way he looked at me with so much concern and apprehension, I felt nothing but love for the man before me. "I'll understand if you're angry-"

"I'm not mad," I shook my head, squeezing his hand tighter to my chest, "I promise." A bittersweet smile curved upon his lips that made every single agonizing cell in my body release without regret. "I'm so sorry for shutting you out." 

He shook his head hastily, "I'm sorry for hurting you, my love. It was a lapse in judgment which I should've held stronger in." I let out a laugh, "I won't disagree.."

Tom was about to speak when the buzzer sounded, the door opening from behind us. I looked back to see a tall blonde man walk in with a briefcase. "Hi, I'm Tom's lawyer, Chris Hemsworth." He handed me a card, flashing me a boyish grin. I stood, wiping the tears from my cheeks, and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you." 

"The pleasure is all mine." Tom rolled his eyes at the lawyer's flirtatious greeting. "Ignore him, as much as he's my lawyer, he's an old friend, emphasize the old." I let out a laugh, sitting down beside Tom as Chris pulled a paper from his case. 

"As much as I'd love to talk and chat, especially since I've heard a lot about you, we gotta find a way to get you out of here." He looked at Tom, "Mr. Pratt wants to press charges. And with the multiple sustained injuries to him and the...barely inflicted ones to you, they can charge you with aggravated assault." 

I felt my throat close up at his words, gripping onto Tom's arm tighter in response. "But that's where you come in." Chris turned to me, "If you testify Tom was acting on your behalf, protecting you then..he could get less time."

"No," Tom shook his head, stopping me from responding. "I wouldn't ask you to do that. I wouldn't ask you to go against him like that." I shook my head, "I don't care about facing him. Does it make me scared half to death? Yes, it does. But if me going against him means you not losing your job, your reputation, and everyone you care about then I won't even question it." Tom dropped his head, "Viv-"

"Don't Viv me." I felt bile rise in my throat at the thought of Tom being in here any longer than he needed to. Turning to Mr. Hemsworth I questioned, "How much time would he get if I didn't testify?"

Chris looked at the both of us before answering, "Estimating on good behavior and bail money I'd say you're looking at three to twenty-five years. Most likely fifteen even with pleading guilty." Shaking my head hastily I knew what I had to do, "And how much if I testify?"

"Thirty days in the city jail, two years parole." I felt my heart rise with the possibility, "I'll do it."


A/N: It's been so long since I updated, I know. 

I have covid right now so while I'm out of work I decided to finish some of my books. There will only be about one to two chapters left! I feel like this has gone by so fast but I absolutely LOVED writing this. 

Especially because I could put my own past abusive relationship experience into it which has been a good outlet for me. 

Speaking of which, my case never went to court unfortunately so I'm gonna say right now that the court sentencing is most likely not accurate. It's a couple of google searches and certain aspects which fit the story. 

And since there is only about one chapter left, I will tell y'all right now that it is a happy ending, I could never end Viv and Tom's story on a bitter note. 

How do y'all feel about Viv and Flo finally making up? And the little cameo from Hemsworth ;)

Thank you guys for reading and don't forget to vote and leave comments!!

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