Chapter 6:

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Once Danny arrived at the auto shop, he walked in the garage to see his best friends standing by Greased Lightnin'. "Alright boys, I'm here." Danny said with a chuckle.

"Great!" Putzie spoke. "Take a seat in this chair."

Danny chuckled as he sat in the chair.

"You boys are very lucky I love you kiddos." Danny smirked.

"Hey, we're cute!" Doody smiled as he handed Putzie the end of the rope. "We're gonna tie you up, making it hard for you to get out."

Danny chuckled a little.

"Ok." He smiled.

"Ready Putz?" Doody asked.

"Yep!" Putzie spoke.

"Go!" Doody said as they ran around Danny, tying him.

Doody and Putzie made sure the knots were tightened.

"Ok." Doody said. "Can you move?"

Danny tested it, trying to wiggle out of the tight grip.

"Not really." He told them.

"Good." Kenickie said.

"This is a good trick, boys." Danny said to his youngest best friends. "I am very impressed."

"Danny, the truth is...there are no magic tricks." Sonny admits.

Danny looks up at Putzie.

"Now Roger, what did I tell you about lying?" Danny asked.

Putzie lets out a sigh.

"I know brother, but we had to...we had to get you over here." Putzie told him. "To talk about something very important."

Danny looked at his buddies, confused and worried.

"It's about Sandy." Doody told him.

Now Danny was full on worrying about his angel.

"Is she alright?" He asked, worrying. "Fellas, what is going on!?!"

"Danny..." Kenickie spoke as he knelt down. "Sandy's ex-boyfriend came all the way to California to get Sandy back."

Danny looked at him shocked and confused.

"His name is Bruno Hellington." Sonny adds. "He was..."

"Wait...are you saying that this creep was..." Danny starts.

Doody nods.

"Frenchy said that Bruno was really abusive and he's been hitting her, slapping her and just name calling her." Doody explained. "She is really frightened of him." Danny looked down at the ground.

"And that is why we have to tie you up first...well, we also think she didn't want him to hurt you if you knew." Putzie adds.

Danny was now feeling a mixture of hatred and anger toward Sandy's ex. It was quiet for a moment, the guys could literally see his knuckles whitening, thinking that some creep would put a hand on his girlfriend. His angel.

"Granted, we all know you would kill him." Sonny adds. "So would we."

The youngest T-Birds looked at Danny, who was staring at the ground, keeping a steady breathing.

"D-Danny?" Doody asked.

"Where is he?" Danny asked in a low voice. "Let me out, now!"

Kenickie lets out a deep sigh.

"We're not gonna let you go until you calm down." He tells him.

"You let me go now, ya idiot!" Danny snapped.

They could literally see the vein popping out of Danny's neck.

"Look, we're angry at the creep for hurting Sandy as well...but killing someone ain't worth it." Kenickie said.

Danny clenched his jaw.

"Murdoch..." He spoke lowly. "You let me out, NOW!"

"Not until you calm down." Kenickie said a little louder. "Danny, we need to be there for Sandy."

Danny let out a deep sigh.

"She's scared." Kenickie said calmly. "She needs us...she especially needs you."

Danny looked up at him.

"Please Zuko..." Doody spoke softly.

All of a sudden Danny broke free from the rope, standing up and walking out of the garage, ready to pound the creep for hurting his girl and scaring her. The youngest T-Birds were surprised how strong Danny was.

"Did you boys make sure to keep the rope knotted?" Sonny asked.

Doody and Putzie both nodded their heads.

"Let's go fellas." Kenickie said as they all got in Greased Lightnin'.

They pulled out of the driveway, before shutting the garage door shut and driving off to follow Danny and confront Bruno.

Sandy's Abusive Ex-BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now