Chapter 2 (Cousin Charys And A Unknown Platinum Demonoid)

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I decided to show my face and everybody was overreacting and saying that we should have a banquet tonight.. ofc i couldnt deny so i agreed..

Today was the day, Charybdis is a few kilometers away from here, the Tempest Wolves, Goblins, Kijins, Are Preparing For An Attack, Ciel Already Prepared A Spiritual Humanoid Body And She's Preparing To Get Charybdis Soul And Gave Her A Ego.. Charys Already Has An Ego, And I Was Able To Communicate With Her In My Other Dimention Using (Universal Communication) Now I Shall Make Her A New Member Of The Tempest Fam!

The People Who were only sitting were Shuna,Me And Milim.. Ifrit And Uncle Veldora Were Watching Through My Vision While Playing Chess!

I shall make them handle the Megalodons now.. i wonder how strong my subordinates are.

'Alright, Benimaru! Souei, Shion, Goblins Attack!'

The First One To Attack Was Souei, He was using his threads on a megalodon like a horse and made them kill each other.. whoa. A dream horse but a fish?.

Anyways, that looks cool..

After a while, they already cleared attacking all the megalodons, and just in time, The Knights From Dwargon Arrived And Started Attacking Charybdis, Same Goes For The Kijins And Goblins, The Direwolves Also Helped, Ranga Sent A Black Lightning To Charys But It Didn't Affect Her, And After Awhile Charys Started Her Move..

Her Scales Started Flying, Everywhere Damaging the trees and the monsters on the jura forest..

I only sat there talking with Milim, It tooked them a little while, and it was already afternoon..

I used my Dragon Eye on Charys And It Shown That Phobio was the one inside of her.

Maybe his anger on Milim made him go to Charys.. how did he even find her? It was impossible for low rank like him, only the guardians, me, milim, veldora knows where she was.. it was quite weird..

Now it's time for us..

But Rimuru-dono, can you take Charybdis On your own? "Dorf Asked"

It's Alright, I'll Take Care Of This!

'Milim, i want to show off a bit, it's only one blow, so can you pick phobio went Charys Collaps?'

'Aww mannn... FINE!'

"Everybody stay back! This might hurt" 'I commanded' and everybody went on my side

Alright, I shall deal with it..

Some Pegasus Knights Are Doubting Me While Benimaru,Souei,Shuna,Shion,Ranga are only smiling. Ofc because they saw my fight again's Milim..

'Milim, Prepare A Barrier This Might Hurt.'

'Don't damage it too much!!'

'I won't'

"Milim Prepared An Universal Barrier Because If It Was A Normal Barrier, The Remains Of The Attack Will Melt It."


"An evolved version of Drago Buster but it was enhance with 1% Of Turn Null"

"Glimmering Stars Appeared In Every Part Of Charybdis, The Glimmering Lights Faded And The Guards Only Looked At Me, Then.."

"I flicked my hand and Charybdis was destroyed, along with Half Of Jura Forest's Trees, Only Stood Infront Was A Giant Crater, A Beastman Falls To The Growned And Milim Grabbed Him On His Collarbone"

'Eh... Rimuru-Yo! You almost destroyed Everything here! Can you not!' Milim Shouted

'Ahahaha!! Sorry, I was thinking only about Charybdis, I forgot about the forest..'

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