Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

He still cleaned his house as soon as he got home from work on Saturday. He made sure the place was as close to spotless as it could get. Korn didn't want to think about his reasons for changing the bedsheets. He told himself he was trying to keep himself busy instead of thinking about what time Mew would show up. But even he wasn't buying his own bullshit.

Three-ish was so unspecific, that it only served to increase Korn's anxiety.
He was about to go down to the workshop when his phone rang.

"I was wondering if you'd had lunch yet. Should I pick something up?" Mew asked.

"No, I haven't eaten. Come over. We'll grab something on the way," Korn told him barely keeping his excitement in check.

"On the way?"

"I told you, I made plans. I'll tell you all about it when you get here."

Korn had planned the date as agreed but it wasn't a conventional one. He hoped that Mew wouldn't mind what he'd come up with.

"I'm here," The quick call was enough to get Korn's heart racing.

"I'll be right down." He grabbed his wallet and keys and took another look around his apartment. If everything went according to his plan, they would spend the rest of the evening there.

Mew looked dishevelled from his drive and in desperate need of a shower and a nap. A huge change from their first date. Korn had a moment of doubt but thought better of deciding for Mew.

"I'm going to put you to work," Korn said when he was comfortable in the passenger seat of Mew's company car, "I hope you don't mind."

"Do I have a choice?" Mew asked with a smile.

"Not even a little bit," Korn said, leaning into Mew's opening.

"Then point me in the right direction."

Korn did as asked. The closer they got, the more nervous he got.

"Is this a junkyard?" Mew asked when Korn showed him where to park.

He didn't look upset. He looked rather eager. Korn could finally breathe again. Taking Mew's hand, he walked in the direction of the small parts collection.

"What are we looking for?" Mew asked him before he could get very far.

"Right...I need a couple of old microwaves or just the transformers."

"Okay. Let's do this."

He hadn't expected Mew to just get on board. Seeing him roll up his sleeves, Korn joined in without another word. They were going through some old appliances together when Mew handed him what he needed.

"You're good at this."

"You seem to forget I dated a mechanic. I had to acquire a few skills."

"Peck made you do this too?"

"Not really. A lot of the time he did it because work demanded it. Someone who couldn't afford to buy the parts because they were too expensive or the car was old and they wanted equally vintage options. I got used to hanging out. Picking up a few things was incidental."

"So, this isn't boring for you? A reminder of things you'd rather forget?"

"No. I don't want you to feel like there's a part of you, you can't share with me. And to be honest I haven't done this in so long it's kind of fun. And I have to admit to having a slight investment in this."

"What do you mean?

"You mentioned shifting the grid to solar at the factory. I realised that a lot of the clinics aren't even on the grid in the first place. Solar power and options that are cheaper than all the expensive generators would help. If you have any ideas that can work in such an environment, wouldn't it be worth it to push them through? Get it patented? You could help a lot of people, not just CYZ and your neighbour's need for an automaton."

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