Tangled up in bed.

Start from the beginning

IU frowned at the food but nonetheless ate it. She didn't think she would like that pathetic excuse of an omegas food but she was wrong.

Yoongi looked at the meal and flash...memories came back. His university days. Days when Jimin would prepare breakfast for them all and he would proudly make just this.

His head ached from the pain why was his past self enjoying Jimin's smile? His food? His company?

What was it that Yoongi still couldn't remember?

Jungkook POV:
The past few days were like hell. I ignored my mates calls and tried to forget them but to no avail.

I'd never be able to forget them. I spent only a week outmost in peace with them only for that woman I have to call mother to ruin it.

Today is the day I ask her to not make my marry Hoseok Hyung because I can't ruin my own life along with TaeTae Hyung's.

I walked downstairs looking worse than ever and sat down on the table. I hadn't eaten in a while and I felt like crap.

"I'm not marrying him". I spoke out of the bloom and my mother glared at me. "Yes. You. Are!" She spoke though gritted teeth.

I glared back at her not scared anymore because what could she actually do? "I'll marry anyone else...but him? No way. He's my Hyung and my friends mate so no way".

She rolled her eyes and said "Darling you are so much better than that omega."

I chuckled and I swear I saw her flinch "Im useless mother, you say it everyday, I'm a slag, a slut, a whore. You know that don't you? So no mother I'm not better than him because he's none of those things."

With that I got up slammed my chair back in its place and walked back up to my room. I walked past my father who hadn't heard or seen the interaction.

"Im so messed up". I spoke out loud.

Then I went into the shower cried my lungs out and got dressed.

There was something I had to do and if I did it I could potentially save a lot of people maybe even myself.

Authors POV:
Jimin held the list in his hand after showering and gathering his thoughts together. Rule number 1 broken by Yoongi.

He rubbed Jimin's back as he puked.

Jimin smiled lightly at the letter and crossed it out then he looked down to the cooking part that he had to do and ticked it.

I could change Yoongi He thought to himself.

The door was barged open as Yoongi walked in. He had a tray in his hand with some porridge and freshly squeezed orange juice.

"Don't think I didn't notice you running off to puke again. If you couldn't make whatever it was on the dish that gave you nausea then why did you do it?"

He placed the tray on Jimin's night stand and looked at him.

"I did it for you, you said on the contract that I should cook for you because you're letting me stay with you. So I couldn't just make anything I had to make something you liked".


That hit Yoongi right in his heart. He was so cruel to this boy. Maybe Jimin wasn't as bad as he thought.

Maybe he could set aside his differences and treat him kindly. I mean they will be sharing a child.

They're both going to be parents they should at least be civil.

Love by chance? - soulmate AU (Yoonmin, Vhope, NamJinKook)Where stories live. Discover now