The Young Devil Gathering (Rewritten)

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Zekram Bael was quite delighted by the sight infront of him.

His beloved Grand Daughter had killed a maid and didn't seem to be affected by it in the slightest.

Truth be told, Zekram had been worried that Neia would be against harming living creatures considering she had never shown any interest in swordsmanship, martial arts, or magic.

But infront of him lay undeniable evidence of her true self that she had kept under a mask.

Neia POV :

Angra Mainyu suddenly dispersed as the door to my room got slammed open with enough force to break the handle.

Zekram Bael, was now staring at me with his usual scowl.

'You're gonna get even more wrinkles if you keep that up, old man.'

"I can tell exactly what you're thinking just from the look in your eyes, You disrespectful brat!"
Exclaimed the Old Man, somewhat annoyed.

I feinted a gasp.
"Grandpa are you perhaps a mind reader!"

"No, you're just that easy to read, now come along, Don't wanna be late for the Gathering now, do we?"
The Old Man gestured me to follow with his hand.

As we walked towards the exit of the room, maids came rushing inside..... Perhaps to take care of the body?

I don't really care as it's not my problem anymore.

All I've got to do now is keep myself nice and proper at the Young Devil Gathering, And perhaps make some connections as well.

I currently have my eyes set on Seekvaira Agares.

The Heiress of the Agares Family, Rank Archduke.

Right below us, The Great Kings, The Baels.

Having the support of the Agares house would be extremely useful as I plan on fully exploiting my status as a Bael to delve deep into the politics of Devils.

Well, Not for long of course.
I'm not going to play games with those old bats who have decades, centuries even.

Just then, the adrenaline that was holding back the pain from the glass shards impaled to my body stopped

I hold back the urge to scream out loud due to the massive amount of pain it gave me.

I send a meaningful stare towards Zekram and he seems to get the gesture as he orders a maid to bring over a Phoenix Tear.

I can barely hold on to my conciousness at this point.

'When will this stop, just hurry and bring over the Phoenix Tear!'
I think to myself before my whole vision fades into black.
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