05 - tension

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( chapter five )

     CASSIE LAID ON THE BEACH and let the sun rays soak through her skin, she sighed in happiness before a figure came over, blocking the sun out from her

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CASSIE LAID ON THE BEACH and let the sun rays soak through her skin, she sighed in happiness before a figure came over, blocking the sun out from her. She looked up to see Nora standing above her beaming like she just had the greatest idea. "Careful white chocolate, wouldn't want you to melt." She added a wink before sitting down.

"Shut the fuck up," Cassie laughed and sat into an upright position, "What are you doing here? I thought you had some debutant shit to do."

"I did, just don't tell my mom," Nora smirked, "That whole scene is not for me, I'm just doing it to make her happy. Besides, today all they were going to do was sit around eating sandwiches and talking trash. I'd rather be at the beach eating sandwiches and talking trash by myself, getting my tan on."

"Wow, we are the exact same person."

CONRAD SAT OUT ON THE DOCK with his mom as she painted his portrait, "So," She began to speak, "How's Cassie? You two seem friendlier this summer."

Conrad let out a short sigh, he did not want to think about her, all he did when he was younger was think about her and wasn't going to go down that painful road again, "Mom, can we not do this?" He had pain in his voice, trying his best to cover it up. "Like, no, uh, you asked me to come sit for this portrait, and-and I'm here. And I'm sitting, and I'm more than happy to be here but can we not make this, like, a bonding experience, please?"

"Well, excuse me for trying to connect with my son before he leaves for a year." Susannah gave him a small smile as she continued to paint him, she let out a sigh before trying to make more conversation. "Maybe I should ask Cassie to be a deb this year, it's not too late."

Conrad gave his mother a look, a look that said 'you know that girl wouldn't be caught dead doing that.' "What?" She scoffed at him, "It's not such a bad idea, you could even be her escort." Susannah always wanted the two of them to get together, she thought they were perfect for one another.

Conrad didn't reply and Susannah turned to put more paint on her brush, "Look, if you want to spend your summer moping around, I can't stop you, but..." She let out a chuckle, "No more sleeping till 2:00, no more day drinking, I want you doing something productive." Halting her brush,
she looked up to look him in the eye, "You're getting a job."


Susannah was surprised he agreed so fast but what she didn't know was she could ask anything of him right now and he would do it without a doubt.

CASSIE PUT ON HER GREEN converse as the finishing touch for her outfit, she walked out of her room and into the living room where the boys are playing video games. She sat down in the chair by the couch right before Belly walked to the doorway. "See you guys later."

"Damn!" Jeremiah put down the game controller and walked over to Belly.

"Are you kidding me? No, yeah, fine, just abandon the game completely, Jere. Cass, fill in." Steven spoke, not even looking away from the screen as he tossed the controller in the girl's direction.

the summer, conrad fisherМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя