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     CASSIE SAT IN HER ROOM packing most of her clothes away, she was excited to be going back to cousins, but it wouldn't be the same

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CASSIE SAT IN HER ROOM packing most of her clothes away, she was excited to be going back to cousins, but it wouldn't be the same. She wouldn't be the same. Ever since the car accident last summer, Cassie had been a comepletely different person. She still smiled at strangers, would still pull the car over if she saw a flower she thought was pretty to pick it, and still listened to taylor swift with the volume all the way up.

But she didn't have the person she had always been closest too, her father. Before she and her mother were suppose to head down to Cousins Beach, Cassie wanted to drive to pick her dad up from the supermarket. His car had been in the shop and she had just gotten her liscense and was eager to get her hands on the wheel. Once he was picked up, they played their favorite oldies station and began on their descent home.

When they got to the intersection, the light turned yellow. Of course she thought she could make it, who doesn't speed up when they're sure they can make it through the intersection? Unfortunately, there was another car with someone speeding through a red light. The car crashed into Cassie's car on her dad's side and it fell over to the side, paramedics and police were there in no time, but they couldn't save him. He had died on impact, Cassie always thought it was her fault. She still does, she just doesn't admit it out loud.

Cassie was distraught, along with her mother. Luckily, Cassie only suffered a broken wrist and a few stitches on her forehead. The mental trauma was a lot worse. It took her mother almost an hour to convince Cassie to get in the car  to go home from the hospital, and after that car ride, she didn't get in a car for a month, unless it was for a doctors appointment.

She spent that summer throwing parties (thanks to her mother being holed up in the beach house with Susannah and Laurel), drinking, and hooking up with boys. Anything that could distract her from what plagued her mind, she would do.

But she was returning this summer, it was time to get back to as close to normal as she could. Besides, she knew there were parties and boys up there. It wouldn't be that much of a different summer, would it?

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