|| Hārēpsa Bȳre - Queen's Landing||

Start from the beginning

Aegon and Jon caught each other staring at the delight before them. Both of their smiles faded when they saw one another, admiring one woman.

The trail began again. At that moment, the remaining dragons of the Targaryens made their presence known to the people. They soar and roar to the air of Winterfell as their riders watch them with a proud smile.

The men who were carrying the Houses banners are the first ones to enter the gates of Winterfell. Banners of the Houses who decided to fight with them. However, the one who caught the eyes of those waiting in the courtyard is the joint banners of House Stark and the Sunfire sigil.

Jon rides through the gates and he fastened his speed upon seeing his younger brother, Brandon Stark, waiting for him. He dismounted his horse and went to his siblings.

He reunited with two of his siblings while Arya is missing again. Rhaenyra, Aegon, and Daenerys wait for their talk to end. The Dragon Queen linger her eyes at the lady whom Jon hugged who has a huge resemblance to her late husband.

But it's not just her, the cripple young man who's sitting in a wheelchair also blankly stares at Rhaenyra. Her eyes meet his, and there is something on it. Something strange, something strong.

Jon diverted his attention to Rhaenyra, giving her a signal to come forward. She did as she was followed by her brother and aunt.

" Queen Rhaenyra Eliana of Houses Targaryen and Martell. Prince Aegon of Houses Targaryen and Martell. Princess Daenerys of House Targaryen. " Jon introduced the three as the others coldly look at them.

" My sister, Sansa Stark. The Lady of Winterfell. " Rhaenyra stand in front of Sansa.

" Thank you for inviting us to your home, Lady Stark. The North is beautiful as your brothers claim. As are you. " She told her with the smile, a smile she always uses when she meets new people.

" Winterfell is yours, Your Grace. " Sansa stated with a bit of coldness lurking on her face and voice.

" No, it's not mine. " All of them became attentive upon hearing the words of the dragon queen.

" The North belongs to the Northern people and Winterfell belongs to someone whose name is Stark. " Rhaenyra glanced at the other young lady on the side who was matching Sansa's not-that-welcoming gazes.

" I've already granted the independency of the North when I married your brother. As a sign of a strong alliance. " They were all confused until the carriages stop at the courtyard.

Rhaenyra nodded her head as one of her men open the door of the carriage. Prince Eddard and Princess Elia climb down from the carriage, making everyone see the twins of King Robb Stark and heirs to Winterfell.

She diverted her eyes to Sansa who has a surprising look on her face as she gazes at the twins who immediately went to their mother's side.

" Eddard Stark and Elia Stark. Heirs to Winterfell. " As Rhaenyra introduced her children, the twins shows them a proper bow and curtsy.

" Who are they, mommy? " Little Ned asked his mother who became uncomfortable with their quiet response.

" She's tall! And beautiful! We have the same eye color! " Princess Elia stare at Sansa who was looking down at her.

" This is your aunt, Lady Sansa. And your uncle, Bran. " Jon said to the little princess which made her smile even more.

" It's a pleasure to meet you, aunt Sansa and uncle Bran. " The twins told their new relatives who were still shocked about the sudden revelation of Robb's children.

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