|| Hārēpsa Bȳre - Queen's Landing||

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Most of the Northern people who are living in Winterfell went out of their homes to the streets to see the coming army.

The last time that they saw this kind of army is when Robert Baratheon came to Winterfell and asked Lord Eddard Stark as his Hand. It became the beginning of the suffering of the North.

The place is quiet but the eyes of the northerners are full of wariness and judging. They don't like outsiders, they will never trust them but they were informed that these men come to their homeland to help them.

Rhaenyra, Jon, Aegon, and Daenerys are riding next to each other in the middle of the trail. There are two carriages riding next to them. Aeksion and Grey Wind are attentively guarding it as the stares continue.

" I warned you. Northerners don't much trust outsiders. " Jon speaks on the side of Rhaenyra.

" It's all right. I understand. " She said back to him as she display the softness on her face.

Rhaenyra wanted them to know, that despite their judging stares, she is one of those who come to North to help them. She's not offended by their wary gazes.

" It's her! It's her! It's her! " The blonde queen turned her attention to the side when she noticed a little girl running towards their way.

She halted the steps of Sun, stopping the movements of her armies. Rhaenyra waited for the girl to reach her place. The northern little girl has something in her hands while another voice can be heard behind her.

" I apologize, Your Grace. For the interruption. Come on, young girl. " A middle-aged woman said as she tug the little girl to leave who refuses.

" No, It's all right. " Rhaenyra leans down on the side of her horse so she can match the eyes of the girl.

" I have something for you, Your Grace. I've read about dragons and I heard that you have many of them! And then you're riding one! I want to be like you! Beautiful, Warrior, Dragon Rider, and a Queen! " The girl happily exclaimed as Rhaenyra and Daenerys giggled at her enthusiasm.

" I grow this and want them to give to you. " She handed her a flower, a flower that Rhaenyra recognized.

Rhaenyra saw it before. At the Tourney of Harrenhall. The one her father gave to crown Lady Lyanna as his Queen of love and beauty. A winter rose, blue as frost.

She was taken for a second but Rhaenyra immediately replace it with a soft smile.

" Thank you, little girl. " Rhaenyra accepted the flower from her.

" In exchange, I give you this. " She took the Sunfire pin on her clothes and handed it to the little lady.

" Thank you, Your Grace. I treasure this. Thank you for coming to Winterfell. " The girl improperly curtsy before the mother took her away.

" Children likes you. " Aegon stated from Rhaenyra's back.

" Many people like her. Well, I can name one who isn't a fan of her. " Daenerys speaks and the three let out a chuckle after realizing who it was and it's no other than Cersei Lannister.

Jon was watching the three but he also can't help but smile. He can see the strong bond between the three Targaryens. Before them, he only knew one Targaryen, Maester Aemon. He was one of the kindest people he ever met, Jon is convinced that not all of them are mad or cruel as the Mad King.

He smiled upon seeing the winter rose on Rhaenyra's hair. She placed it on the side, and tuck it into her braids. It just made her beauty more stand out. A rare beauty that no one in the north can challenge it.

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