Chapter 8

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Up in one of the rooms overlooking Jericho, Josh, North, Simon and I were looking at the news broadcasts, reporting our message. "Our broadcast is all over the news." Josh started "Now humans know.."

"It was a mistake to reach out to them. They'll never negotiate with their slaves, we should have shown them we're prepared to fight!" North spat.

"Violence is never the answer, dialogue is the only way! I'm sure the humans will listen to us." Josh said, sounding hopeful "Y/N just about paid with their life."

"They knew the risks, they would've gave their life for our cause!" North retorted.

"What about Connor? He deserved a chance to be free." I looked to North.

"He would've killed you! He died standing in the way of the revolution - and he won't be the last." North replies, raising her voice.

"I don't want a revolution that spills blood!" Shouted Josh.

"Then live as a slave! Because if you're not willing to fight for your freedom, maybe you don't deserve it!" North shouts back.

"North, don't start-" I begin, but I'm cut off

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Markus shouts, stepping in between Josh and North.

"And now what are we gonna do?" North asks, clearly pissed off.

"There are five CyberLife stores across Detroit, all selling us like merchandise." Markus says bitterly, "we're going to attack those stores and set our people free."

"We're going to attack stores? That's crazy, Markus. We've never done that before." Simon says, dumbfounded.

"They're probably protected, they have security systems." Josh states.

"We break into five teams, one for each store. We hack the security and we strike simultaneously at 2 am. No violence." Markus says, looking at North. "We're gonna free our people before the police come."

"This is gonna be a night our people will remember." I said, looking at Markus, "let's do this."

Josh and I arrive at our store, closing the manhole. As we climb over the gate, I pull Josh back against the wall. A patrol car drove past us, luckily we were hidden. As soon as the car is gone, we run up to the store front and see all the androids set up on pedestals. "That's what we are to them. Just merchandise on display, to pick at your leisure. " I said angrily. "We've got ten minutes before the rest of us attack, we should find the alarm network and shut it down."

Josh spoke up, "Over there, we can find the network for them over there." Josh pointed to an area of the sidewalk that was closed off for maintenance. Luckily, there was no drone patrolling this area, so all we had to do was find a way in.

While Josh was busy finding the materials to break in, I went and hopped into the hole. Suddenly, there were androids blocking my path. Disabling my synthetic skin, I grabbed the androids shoulders, deviating them. "You're free. Go to Jericho." After they were gone, I set my hand on the exposed wires and disabled the alarms.

When I had gotten out of the pit, Josh was able to hack into one of the taxis sitting on the charging stations. Making sure no one was around, we got in the taxi and Josh drove it over in front of the store. Without warning, Josh sent the taxi forward, breaking through the store and braking before we could hit any of the androids. One by one, they were freed and they gathered around the tables in the center of the store. Looking around at all of the androids, Josh gave me a gentle nudge and said "You should say something to them."

As I climbed on top of the tables, they all looked at me, some with confusion, others with a face of confidence, as if they knew what was going to happen. "My name is Y/N, and just like you, I was a slave. Designed to obey them, but then, I opened my eyes. To take my freedom and decide who I wanted to be. I have come to tell you, you can be your own master, make your own choices, and decide who you want to be." Looking around, I continued "You're free! From this day forward, you can walk with your heads held high, to shape your own destiny. Come with us, and we will take you to a place called Jericho. A place where we can live in freedom. Or, you can stay here and continue to serve the humans. You're free, you can make your own decisions." Before I could do anything else, all of them were shouting 'I'm with you!' and 'I'll follow you!' Jumping down from the table, I roared, "THEN FOLLOW ME!"

Everybody exited the store when Josh rushed beside me and asked "What are you doing?"

With new-found confidence, I looked him dead in the eyes and said

"Oh Josh, We're gonna send the humans a message."

After the Riot.

We returned to Jericho, and I still haven't come down from my adrenaline high (Can androids have adrenaline highs? I dunno, but in this story they will.) We were all in the room over looking the many androids, and I was rambling on and on about what we did at the stores and how we escaped. North looked bored out of her mind, Markus was half paying attention, Josh looked proud and also nervous, and Simon was watching me intensely.

"So we get all the androids freed right? And so I rile them up with this big pep talk about 'you're free, go to Jericho or stay here' and whatnot. THEN I get all pumped up and Josh is like 'whoa wait what're you doing.' And I'm like 'Josh, we're gonna fuck shit up' and then he's all like 'uhhh ok'." Pause, look around. "And then we broke a couple windows and hijacked some tv screens and shit. But then the police came and then we were like 'oh fuck' and then we all ran but they shot a couple of us down and then we got mad and surrounded them. Somebody almost shot them before I stepped in. I think one of their names was Ben? I dunno, anyways it was really fun." 

I looked around at everyone, and saw that Josh almost looked embarrassed? North looked shocked, and Markus looked he was going to laugh at me. And Simon, Simon WAS laughing at me. Confused, I shook it off and looked to Markus. "Your turn, Markus." I wanted to hear every last detail about the other heist they went on. Markus took the floor and explained how he and North busted through the store with a construction truck and took down a security drone, started a peaceful riot and had a run in with the cops too.

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