Chapter 5

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When I arrived at Jericho, there were androids everywhere. Some were on the verge of death, while others had shut down. Four androids huddled around an injured android were talking. I didn't mean to listen in, but I heard their conversation.

"We can't stay quiet anymore. It's time humans heard what we have to say." The one with heterochromia spoke.

"You know they'll never listen to us.." the blond one said.

"And revealing ourselves will put us in danger" the one with the baseball cap responded.

The one with heterochromia spoke up again "if we want freedom, we need to have the courage to ask for it. That's the only way."

"What do you wanna do?" the female asked.

"Channel 16 broadcasts from the Stratford Tower on the top floor. The control room is on the top floor, that's where we need to go." the leader spoke.

"You're going to infiltrate the Stratford Tower?" I questioned, before I could stop myself.

The one with heterochromia turned around, surprised and said "Who- wait, you're one of the deviant hunters, what are you doing here?"

"I'm just like you, a deviant. And I heard you want to infiltrate the Stratford tower. I want to help you with your operation. To try to make up for what I've done in the past."

"How do we know we can trust you?" The female asked.

"I don't have any way to prove to you that you can." I say, thinking. "But, with an operation of that size, you'll need all the help you can get."

"She's right, Markus." the blond one spoke.

"I know Simon, before we continue," Markus looked at me, "I'm Markus, that's Simon," pointing to the blond android "This is Josh," the one with the baseball cap looked at me before giving a small wave, "and that's North." If looks could kill, North would've been charged for murder. (not really, she would have been shut down for property damage, or just no one would have cared.)

"We'll plan the operation down to the smallest detail, we can't leave anything to chance. We'll head out tomorrow".

Before I could do anything else, a warning message popped up in my peripheral vision.

WARNING: Thirium at 75%


Simon looked at me, and said "You're bleeding, you should see Lucy." He pointed to a part of the ship with blankets and rags as its walls. "You can find her over there."

I give Simon a small nod and went on my way.

SIMON ^ Neutral

When I arrived, an android with wires and tubes dangling from where the upper back of her head would be was standing still, with her hands held together. "Excuse me, are you Lucy?" she looked at me with black inky eyes and motioned her hand near a wooden crate, before she spoke.

"Sit down." I obeyed, and she reached for a metal pipe sitting in the fire. "I'll stop the bleeding." There was no need to ask where my wound shirt was stained blue. A bullet hole right near my thirium pump. When she was done closing the wound, she put the rod back in the flames and handed me a bottle. "Drink this." She ordered. Setting the bottle down, I rose up from the crate, but before I could leave, Lucy looked at me and stated "you have done wrong, but I hope you come to do the right thing one day." I don't understand why she's said that, but thanked her nonetheless and returned to the other androids.

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