Chapter 6

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4:10 PM

Police and Federal Agents have been crawling all over the building since the broadcast. I'm thankful I haven't been found yet, but I'm also anxious that any second they might burst through the door. It's only a matter of time before they send up Connor and Lt. Anderson, which means I have to stay extremally quiet, no movement, or to escape. I would much rather do the sitting around, but no matter what, I have to get out of here tonight.


Chris is giving use the briefing of what happened, when we enter the broadcasting room and he introduces us to Agent Perkins. "Oh, Lieutenant this is Special Agent Perkins from the FBI. Lieutenant Anderson is in charge of investigating for the Detroit Police." Chris introduces, though Perkins doesn't look to pleased to see  me here.

"Whats that?" Perkins questions.

"My name is Connor. I'm the android sent by CyberLife."

"Androids investigating androids, Huh." Perkins looks at Hank, "You sure you want an android hanging around? After everything that's happened.." Perkins raises his eyebrows, looking to get a reaction, "Whatever, the FBI  will take over the investigation, you'll soon be off the case."

"Pleasure meeting you. Have a nice day." Hank spits through gritted teeth. 

"And you watch your step," Perkin smirks, "Don't fuck up my crime scene."

Hank looks at him with a mix of surprise and annoyance, his mouth hanging open, before he grabs me by the shoulder and pulls me away from Perkins.

"What a fuckin prick." 

Chris offers his assistance before he starts to walk around, observing.

I walk over to the control terminals and play the camera footage at the front of the door.  

North hands out weapons to the crew

Markus rings the bell for entrance

The deviants didn't break in? Odd. I turn back to to Chris. "They didn't break in?"

"No, no signs of forced entry." 

"There are cameras? Wouldn't the staff have seen what was happening?"

Hank shrugged, "Maybe they didn't check the security cameras."

That's odd. Didn't they have android operators working here? I spun around the chair in front of the camera, proving it to have been operated by and android, meaning there might be a deviant among them. I'll have to interrogate them. 

"We stored the station androids in the kitchen. There was no proof of them being involved, but we didn't know what else to do with them."

I made my way to the kitchen, when I heard my name called out. 

"You remember me? I was on that terrace.." he trailed off, "That android that took that girl hostage? I was shot, you saved me.."

"I remember you."

He continued, "I could've died on that terrace, but you saved my life. I never thought I'd be saying this to an android.. Thank you."

My lipped involuntarily curved up slightly, before he walked away. I entered the Kitchen, where three androids stood. 


Hank and I were huddled around a large duffel bag, with a single parachute left inside.

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