Chapter 3

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Connor and I were both in stasis mode, in the police building, when I was shaken awake by Connor. He explained that a new case was reported, and we were to find Lieutenant Anderson and investigate it. We arrived at the Lieutenant's place of residency and I stepped out of the taxi and made my way to the front door. When there was no response to the door bell, Connor decided to look for an open window. Not long after I heard "Lieutenant Anderson!" before a crash echoed. The window was smashed, and Connor was already trying to wake Hank up when I ran up to the side of the house. When I had climbed in through the window a big St. Bernard, whom I recently learned was named Sumo, trotted up to me and barked.

"Easy! Sumo.. I'm your friend, see? I know your name, I'm here to save your owner." Seeming pleased with my answer, he went and trotted to lie by his food bowl.

I made my way to the bathroom to which Connor had seated Hank on the side of the bathtub. "I don't want a bath, thank you.." Hank slurred, but fell down into the tub when Connor gave him a light push. "Sorry lieutenant. It's for your own good." As soon as those words left his mouth, Connor turned on the shower to ice cold water, in an attempt to sober Hank up. With Hank screaming in protest, Connor turned off the water.

As soon as Hank stopped yelling, he looked at Connor, then at me, and asked "What the fuck are you two doing here?"

"A homicide was reported 43 minutes ago." I chirped, "We couldn't find you at Jimmy's bar, so we came to see if you were at home."

"Jesus, I must be the only cop in the world, who gets assaulted in his own house by his own fuckin' androids." he exclaimed "Can't you just leave me alone?"

"Unfortunately, we cannot, we have been programmed to investigate this case and we can't do it without you."

After bickering back and forth, Hank stands up and yells "Beat it! You hear me? Get the hell outta here!" before he almost falls back into the tub. Connor stabilizes Hank and sits him back down on the side of the tub. I walk towards the door, with a slight smirk, "I understand, It probably wasn't interesting anyways." I banter, shrugging my shoulders, "A man found dead in a sex club downtown. Guess they'll have to solve the case without us." 

"You know, it wouldn't do me any harm to get some air." Hank retorted. "There's some clothes in the bedroom there."

"I'll go get them" was all Connor said, before leaving. I stood there until Connor came back, and then decided to go tidy up the mess Hank made. While I put the bottles and beer cans in the garbage, I noticed a gun on the floor. It wasn't the police issued type however. I picked it up, and examined it.


.357 Magnum

1 Bullet Remaining

"What were you doing with the gun, Lieutenant?"

"Russian Roulette! Wanted to see how long I could last.. Must've passed out before I could find out."


I opened the cylinder and spun it. "You were lucky, the next shot would have killed you." Setting the gun aside, I grabbed some paper towels and started scrubbing at the alcohol on the floor. Satisfied with my work, I stood up, and saw Connor looking at a picture frame. I didn't have time to ask what it was, as Hank came out of the bathroom, and told us to head to the car.

(A/N: Congrats! You've finished reading the third chapter! This one was a little shorter than the rest of them, but I will try to make chapter 4 longer! Until then, see ya!)

My One And Only (A D:BH Simon X Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora