Millicent and BB-8 Intigators

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The Finilaizer was huge. It was pure luck from the Force that Poe had been able to get on it with no complications. Leia had urged him to only get the important data, but Poe was always the overachiever.

BB-8 had downloaded the basic schematics on the new Tie's so the Resistence could find a weakness with them. It had been surprisingly easy, little to no one paying him much mind. Poe knew he should be really getting back to lLeia but, it could hurt to bring her back something else.

Poe quietly crept through the docking bay and into a Tie. BB-8 was cirping at him not to go but Poe ignored the small droid, climing into the cockpit. He plugged the data chip in and procesed the codes. They were incripted, but they had every main First Order refuling bay in the outer rim with corrdinates. Poe was estatic. Leia would be so happy.

Poe closed his eyes and relaxed. It would be a little bit until everything was transfered. BB-8 was watching out for anyone anyway. Only a quick nap turned into a couple hours. Poe only woke up when he felt something rubbing against his leg. He slowly opened his eyes, looking out the veiwpoint of the Tie.  Poe sudenly looked down to where the data chip should be and it was gone.

Poe started to panic. If anyone was to get their hands on that chip, they would know somone was trying to retrieve information. They would lock the whole ship down, and Poe would be dead.

Poe caught something orange in the corner of his eye and then it was gone. Definatly not BB-8. To his surprise Poe looked down to see a loth cat, starring back at him. He had never seen on this close, their teeth so sharp that they were considered deadly. Why was a random loth cat living in a Star Destroyer? Then Poe noticed it. The data chip was in it's mouth.


Poe sat up slowly, not taking his eye off the cat. He noticed the tag on her collar read 'Millicent'. Whoever named a cat that was definatly on some Spice. He supposed it was worth a shot. "Hey Millicent, I need you to give me that back please." Poe said, trying to inch closer and closer to the loth cat.

Millicent had other plans though and leaped onto his shoulder then jumped out of the Tie. Poe scarmabled out of the Tie, looking for where the little menace went. He sudenly saw it leave the hanger bay and through on of the corridors. 

"BB-8 follow that cat!" Poe screamed, jumping out of the Tie. Thankfully no one payed him much mind as he strode down the halway, a painted black BB-8 leading him to where Millicent was.

Honestly of all the things to happen today, Poe was definatly not expecting to find himself chasing a cat through a Star Destroyer. He would definatly leave this part out of the report when he got back. If he was able to get out of here alive.

Poe finially caught up to them, BB-8 chirping frantically at him. Just a couple more steps and he could stun the damn thing and leave. Right when he got up there though, a steal metal door wished open, the cat jumping into the arms of a man.

It was General Hux.

Poe shook, trying to keep himself at ease. This was Thee General Hux. The man people theriorized about. The man who suposibly killed his own father. He was younger than Poe was expecting. Late twenties early thirties Poe guessed. Not that he cared.

Hux looked up at him, Millicent stationed in his arms. "I see my princess was in the Tie's again. I do appologize pilot." Poe tried to make his mouth form words, cursing himself for forgetting his helmate. "Not a problem Sir, I was encompassing data for.......... a new mission and she stole the drive."

Poe prayed that he was convincing. He didn't lie, technically. If the General even took one look at the drive, Poe's head would be on a platter for all the Resistence to see.

But none of that happened, as Poe watched General Hux take the data chip out of Millicent's mouth and hand it to Poe. "I do appologize for the inconvenience pilot. She tends to get away from me. Although, she only hangs around the good looking pilots, if only I could get her to stop."

Poe smiled as he took the data chip then stopped, taking in what Hux had just said. Good looking Pilots? Poe felt his face heat up, placing a hand on the doorframe.

Poe didn't really know why he was playing into this fantasy. Sure the General was good looking. He was skinny, pale, and had the brightest red hair Poe had ever seen. He was beautiful. Poe already got the data chip back though, there was no need to stay. But of course, Poe couldn't help himself.

"Shurely you wouln't train her to do that General Hux, I guess we'll never know. if i find her again thoough, I know where to find you." Poe said suductivly. He loved seeing the light blush on the General face. If only they wern't in the middle of a war.

Poe saluted, walking away slowly with BB-8 following behind him. He tried not to run back to his ship, too happy that everything went smoothly. "BB-8 I wasn't serious. That was General Hux, you don't think that-" Poe was inturupted with BB-8 excessive teasing. Poe knew the droid would not let this one go until he died.

The interaction wasn't unpleasen't. No one would beleive him if they told them anyway. This day seemed like a blurr though, not quite real. If it was different cercemstances then maybe...... but there as a war starting. He had no time for games.

Poe climmed into his X-wing that was hidden behind some crates. They go in, BB-8 still going off and teasing him. Poe tried ignoring him to the best of his ability. He started up the ship and quickly jumped into hyperspace before anyone could spot him.

"You don't mention this to anyone BB-8 understand? Not even Leia." Poe stated, wanting to forget this day ever happend. BB-8 chirped in mock protest that he would ever do such a thing. Worse case senerio, the rumor would spread within the week. Something told Poe that it wouldn't be the last time they would have an incounter. He smiled at the chance at another opportuntiy.

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