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Hux looked out the window, watching the sun set throught the trees. It had been a regular day on Yavin 4. Poe had just left to pick up Alara from school. It was her first day at her new school, the same one Rose and Kaydel's daughter had gone too. Hux had been dreading it for weeks, but she seemed exited when she left with Poe that morning.

Hux complained that he could teach her everything on his own. Poe had gently brought up the pros' and cons'. He knew she needed to make friends, explore the Galaxy, maybe get into a bit of trouble. She was still his daughter though, it was hard to let go.

About an hour later, he heard the disinct sound of Poe's X-Wing landing down behind the cabin. Hux was already standing out there with BB-8 cirping happily. He couldn't blame the small droid, he was exited aswell.

When he saw Poe come out of the X-Wing, he expected him to be smiling, but what he saw was quite the opposite. Hux stood there confused until he saw that Alara had the same expression while Poe lifted her out of his X-Wing. 

They both walked up to him in silence, Poe pleading with his eyes to say something. "How was school?" Hux asked probably already knowing the answer. 

"It was fine." Was all she responded with, looking anywhere but her father's eyes. Her Lekku beads were off center, which was odd. She always took such pride in it, but she seemed to just not care. Hux looked to Poe in a questioning manner and he only shrugged in reponse.

Alara finially looked up at him still frowning. "I have homework. Can I go to my room?" she asked, trying to slowly walked to the door. "I, yes that's fine. take BB-8 with you." Hux called as she walked inside, BB-8 following in tow.

He looked over to Poe, hoping he would say anything as to why her day was 'fine'. Upon further inspection, Hux realized that Poe didn't know either. "She didn't talk to you?" Hux asked as they walked back inside, Poe following behind him. "No she didn't say anything. I couldn't get her to talk about it. She didn't even seem happy of the idea that Rose, Finn, and Rey might come over for dinner." Poe stated aimlessly, moving to lean on the kitchen counter next to Hux. "I tried, I really did. I even talked to her teacher before we left. Said she was happy for the most part until the end of the day. Blamed it on her being tired but I didn't think that was it."

Hux started pacing, running every senerio through his head. Did she feel presured? Did someone tease her about her apperince? Was she being bullied beacuse of who her fathers were? Was she scared they were going to leave her there?

"Should I, should I go talk to her?" Hux asked, stopping himself from pacing anymore. Poe thought about it for a second then nodded, getting up off the counter and hugging Hux. "If anyone can get her to talk it's you. I was going to call Rey, Finn, Rose and Kadell to come over and have dinner, but I think we'll save it for another night." Poe said, trying not to sound too disapointed.

Hux kissed him on the cheek, leving him in the kitchen and making his way to Alara's room. Their Cabin was a decent size, especially concidering they were surrounded by dense forest, the only large opening was for Poe's X-Wing to make it in and out. Alara's room was the largest though. Knowing they were going to have Alara stay with them for a long time, he decided to put his heart and soul into the project.

Model X-Wings hung from above, plastic stars stuck on her celing. She had Rebel pilot helmates and Clone trooper helmates lining her shelves. A large desk with all her art supplies and papers. Poe had found an old Y-Wing cockpit and made it into a conforable bed. They were scared at first, that she wouldn't be interested in these things, that they were pushing her too much in one direction. They were surprised though of her love of flying and the way she wanted to see the why and how things worked. She really was their daughter.

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